DSP-API Server Design Overview
Knora's responsibilities include:
- Receiving, validating, authenticating, and authorising HTTP requests from clients (which may be web browsers or other software) to query or update data in a Knora repository.
- Querying and updating the repository on behalf of clients.
- Filtering query results according to the user's permissions.
- Transforming query results into DSP-API responses.
- Ensuring that ontologies and data in the triplestore are consistent and conform to the requirements of the knora-base ontology.
- Managing the versioning of data in the triplestore.
- Working with Sipi to store files that cannot be stored as RDF data.
Knora is written in Scala, using the Akka framework for message-based concurrency. It is designed to work with any standards-compliant triplestore via the SPARQL 1.1 Protocol, but is currently tested only with Apache Jena Fuseki (with support for other triplestores coming soon).
Knora APIs
Knora supports different versions of its API for working with humanities data:
- DSP-API v2, a standards-based API currently under development.
- DSP-API v1, a stable, legacy API that focuses on maintaining compatibility with applications that used Knora's prototype software.
There is also a Knora admin API for administering Knora repositories.
The Knora code base includes some functionality that is shared by these different APIs, as well as separate packages for each API. Internally, Knora APIs v1 and v2 both use functionality in the admin API. DSP-API v1 uses some functionality from API v2, but API v2 does not depend on API v1.
Design Diagram
HTTP Module
: Knora's Akka HTTP routes. Each routing class matches URL patterns for requests involving some particular type of data in the repository. Routes are API-specific. For example,ResourcesRouteV2
matches URL paths starting with/v2/resources
, which represent requests involving Knora resources.org.knora.webapi.http
: a few HTTP-related constants and utilities.
Responders Module
: Each responder is an actor that is responsible for managing some particular type of data in the repository. A responder receives messages from a route, does some work (e.g. querying the triplestore), and returns a reply message. Responders are API-specific and can communicate with other responders via messages. For example, in API v2,ResourcesResponderV2
handles requests involving resources, and delegates some of its tasks toValuesResponderV2
, which is responsible for requests involving values.
Store Module
: Contains actors that connect to triplestores. The most important one isHttpTriplestoreConnector
, which communicates with triplestores via the SPARQL 1.1 Protocol.
Shared Between Modules
: Contains core classes such asMain
, which starts the Knora server, andSettingsImpl
, which represents the application settings that are loaded using the Typesafe Config library.org.knora.webapi.util
: Utilities needed by different parts of the application, such as parsing and formatting tools.org.knora.webapi.messages
: The Akka messages used by each responder.org.knora.webapi.messages.twirl
: Text-generation templates for use with the Twirl template engine. Knora uses Twirl to generate SPARQL requests and other types of text documents.
Actor Supervision and Creation
At system start, the main application supervisor actor is created in
* The main application supervisor actor which is at the top of the actor
* hierarchy. All other actors are instantiated as child actors. Further,
* this actor is responsible for the execution of the startup and shutdown
* sequences.
lazy val appActor: ActorRef = system.actorOf(
Props(new ApplicationActor with LiveManagers)
and through mixin also the store and responder manager actors:
* The actor that forwards messages to actors that deal with persistent storage.
lazy val storeManager: ActorRef = context.actorOf(
Props(new StoreManager(self) with LiveActorMaker)
name = StoreManagerActorName
* The actor that forwards messages to responder actors to handle API requests.
lazy val responderManager: ActorRef = context.actorOf(
Props(new ResponderManager(self) with LiveActorMaker)
The ApplicationActor
is the first actor in the application. All other actors
are children of this actor and thus it takes also the role of the supervisor
actor. It accepts messages for starting and stopping the Knora-API, holds the
current state of the application, and is responsible for coordination of
the startup and shutdown sequence. Further, it forwards any messages meant
for responders or the store to the respective actor.
In most cases, there is only one instance of each supervised actor; such
actors do their work asynchronously in futures, so there would be no
advantage in using an actor pool. A few actors do have pools of instances,
because they do their work synchronously; this allows concurrency to be controlled
by setting the size of each pool. These pools are configured in application.conf
under akka.actor.deployment
The ApplicationActor
also starts the HTTP service as part of the startup
* Starts the Knora-API server.
* @param ignoreRepository if `true`, don't read anything from the repository on startup.
* @param requiresIIIFService if `true`, ensure that the IIIF service is started.
* @param retryCnt how many times was this command tried
def appStart(ignoreRepository: Boolean, requiresIIIFService: Boolean, retryCnt: Int): Unit = {
val bindingFuture: Future[Http.ServerBinding] = Http()
bindingFuture onComplete {
case Success(_) =>
// Transition to ready state
self ! AppReady()
if (knoraSettings.prometheusEndpoint) {
// Load Kamon monitoring
// Kick of startup procedure.
self ! InitStartUp(ignoreRepository, requiresIIIFService)
case Failure(ex) =>
if (retryCnt < 5) {
"Failed to bind to {}:{}! - {} - retryCnt: {}",
self ! AppStart(ignoreRepository, requiresIIIFService, retryCnt + 1)
} else {
"Failed to bind to {}:{}! - {}",
self ! AppStop()
Coordinated Application Startup
To coordinate necessary startup tasks, the application goes through a few states at startup:
- Stopped: Application starting. Http layer is still not started.
- StartingUp: Http layer is started. Only '/health' and monitoring routes are working.
- WaitingForRepository: Repository check is initiated but not yet finished.
- RepositoryReady: Repository check has finished and repository is available.
- CreatingCaches: Creating caches is initiated but not yet finished.
- CachesReady: Caches are created and ready for use.
- LoadingOntologies: Loading of ontologies is initiated but not yet finished.
- OntologiesReady: Ontologies are loaded.
- MaintenanceMode: During backup or other maintenance tasks, so that access to the API is closed
- Running: Running state. All APIs are open.
During the WaitingForRepository
state, if the repository is not configured or
available, the system will indefinitely retry to access it. This allows for
prolonged startup times of the repository. Also, if checking the repository
returns an error, e.g., because the repository data needs to be migrated first,
the application will shutdown.
In general, Knora is written in a functional style, avoiding shared mutable state. This makes it easier to reason about concurrency, and eliminates an important potential source of bugs (see Out of the Tar Pit).
The routes and actors in Knora use Akka's ask
rather than the tell
pattern, to send messages and receive responses,
because this simplifies the code considerably (using tell
require actors to maintain complex mutable state), with no apparent
reduction in performance.
To manage asynchronous communication between actors, the DSP-API
server uses Scala's Future
monad extensively. See
Futures with Akka for details.
We use Akka's asynchronous logging interface (see Akka Logging).
What the Responders Do
In Knora, a responder is an actor that receives a
request message (a Scala case class) in the ask
pattern, does some work
(e.g. getting data from the triplestore), and returns a reply message (another
case class). These reply messages are are defined in org.knora.webapi.messages
A responder can produce a reply representing a complete API
response, or part of a response that will be used by another responder.
If it's a complete API response, there is an API-specific mechanism for
converting it into the response format that the client expects.
Store Module (org.knora.webapi.store package)
The store module is used for accessing the triplestore and other external storage providers.
All access to the Store module goes through the StoreManager
supervisor actor. The StoreManager
creates pools of actors, such as
, that interface with the storage providers.
The contents of the store
package are not used directly by other
packages, which interact with the store
package only by sending
messages to StoreManager
Parsing of SPARQL query results is handled by this module.
See Store Module for a more detailed discussion.
Triplestore Access
SPARQL queries are generated from templates, using the
Twirl template engine. For
example, if we're querying a resource, the template will contain a
placeholder for the resource's IRI. The templates can be found under
. In many cases, different SPARQL must
be generated for different triplestores; the Twirl template function
then takes the name of the triplestore as a parameter, and may delegate
to triplestore-specific templates.
Responders are not expected to know which triplestore is being used or how it
is accessed. To perform a SPARQL SELECT query, a responder sends a SparqlSelectRequest
message to the storeManager
actor, like this:
for {
isEntityUsedSparql <- Future(queries.sparql.v2.txt.isEntityUsed(
triplestore = settings.triplestoreType,
entityIri = entityIri,
ignoreKnoraConstraints = ignoreKnoraConstraints,
ignoreRdfSubjectAndObject = ignoreRdfSubjectAndObject
isEntityUsedResponse: SparqlSelectResponse <- (storeManager ? SparqlSelectRequest(isEntityUsedSparql)).mapTo[SparqlSelectResponse]
The reply message, SparqlSelectResponse
, is a data structure containing the rows
that were returned as the query result.
To perform a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query, you can use SparqlExtendedConstructRequest
and the response will be a SparqlExtendedConstructResponse
Error Handling
The error-handling design has these aims:
- Simplify the error-handling code in actors as much as possible.
- Produce error messages that clearly indicate the context in which the error occurred (i.e. what the application was trying to do).
- Ensure that clients receive an appropriate error message when an error occurs.
- Ensure that
requests are properly terminated with anakka.actor.Status.Failure
message in the event of an error, without which they will simply time out (see Ask: Send and Receive Future). - When a actor encounters an error that isn't the client's fault (e.g. a triplestore failure), log it, but don't do this with errors caused by bad input.
- When logging errors, include the full JVM stack trace.
The design does not yet include, but could easily accommodate, translations of error messages into different languages.
A hierarchy of exception classes is defined in Exceptions.scala
representing different sorts of errors that could occur. The hierarchy
has two main branches:
, an abstract class for errors that are the client's fault. These errors are not logged.InternalServerException
, an abstract class for errors that are not the client's fault. These errors are logged.
Exception classes in this hierarchy can be defined to include a wrapped
exception. When an exception is logged, its stack trace will be
logged along with the stack trace of its cause
. It is therefore
recommended that low-level code should catch low-level exceptions, and
wrap them in one of our higher-level exceptions, in order to clarify the
context in which the error occurred.
To simplify error-handling in responders, a utility method called
is provided in ActorUtils
. It is intended to be used
in an actor's receive
method to respond to messages in the ask
pattern. If the responder's computation is successful, it is sent to the
requesting actor as a response to the ask
. If the computation fails,
the exception representing the failure is wrapped in a Status.Failure
which is sent as a response to the ask
. If the error is a subclass of
, only the sender is notified of the error;
otherwise, the error is also logged and rethrown (so that the
can handle the exception).
In many cases, we transform data from the triplestore into a Map
object. To simplify checking for required values in these collections,
the class ErrorHandlingMap
is provided. You can wrap any Map
in an
. You must provide a function that will generate an
error message when a required value is missing, and optionally a
function that throws a particular exception. Rows of SPARQL query
results are already returned in ErrorHandlingMap
If you want to add a new exception class, see the comments in
for instructions.
Transformation of Exception to Client Responses
The org.knora.webapi.KnoraExceptionHandler
is brought implicitly into
scope of akka-http
, and by doing so registered and used to handle the
transformation of all KnoraExceptions
into HttpResponses
. This
handler handles only exceptions thrown inside the route and not the
actors. However, the design of reply message passing from actors (by
using future2Message
), makes sure that any exceptions thrown inside
actors, will reach the route, where they will be handled.
See also Fuures with Akka.
API Routing
The API routes in the routing
package are defined using the DSL
provided by the
library. A routing function has to do the following:
- Authenticate the client.
- Figure out what the client is asking for.
- Construct an appropriate request message and send it to
, using theask
pattern. - Return a result to the client.
To simplify the coding of routing functions, they are contained in
objects that extend org.knora.webapi.routing.Authenticator
. Each
routing function performs the following operations:
is called to authenticate the user.- The request parameters are interpreted and validated, and a request
message is constructed to send to the responder. If the request is
is thrown. If the request message is requesting an update operation, it must include a UUID generated byUUID.randomUUID
, so the responder can obtain a write lock on the resource being updated.
The routing function then passes the message to a function in an API-specific
routing utility: RouteUtilV1
, RouteUtilV2
, or RouteUtilADM
This utility function sends the message to ResponderManager
forwards it to the relevant responder), returns a response to the client
in the appropriate format, and handles any errors.
Logging in Knora is configurable through logback.xml
, allowing fine
grain configuration of what classes / objects should be logged from which level.
The Akka Actors use Akka Logging while logging inside plain Scala Objects and Classes is done through Scala Logging.