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Login and Logout

When a client accesses the /v1/session?login route successfully, it gets back headers requesting that a cookie is created, which will store the session token. On all subsequent calls to any route, this session token needs to be sent with each request. Normally, a web browser does this automatically, i.e. sends the cookie on every request. The session token is used by the server to retrieve the user profile. If successful, the user is deemed authenticated.

To logout the client can call the same route and provide the logout parameter /v1/session?logout. This will invalidate the session token and return headers for removing the cookie on the client.

Submitting Credentials

For login, credentials in form of email and password need to be sent with the request.

There are two possibilities to do so:

When using Python's module requests, the credentials (email / password) can simply be submitted as a tuple with each request using the param auth (python requests).

An alternative way for accessing all routes is to simply supply the email and password credentials on each request either as URL parameters or in the HTTP authorization header.

Checking Credentials

To check the credentials, there is a special route called /v1/authenticate, which can be used to check if the credentials are valid.

Usage Scenarios

  1. Create session by logging-in, send session token on each subsequent request, and logout when finished.
  2. Send email/password credentials on every request.

Last update: 2023-02-22