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Querying, Creating, and Updating Ontologies

Querying Ontology Information

Before reading this document, you should have a basic understanding of DSP-API v2 external ontology schemas (see API Schema).

Each request returns a single RDF graph, which can be represented in JSON-LD, Turtle, or RDF/XML, using HTTP content negotiation (see Response Formats).

The response format uses prefixes to shorten IRIs, making them more human-readable. A client may wish to convert these to full IRIs for processing. This can be done with responses in JSON-LD by using a library that implements the JSON-LD API to compact the document with an empty JSON-LD @context.

Querying Ontology Metadata

Requests for ontology metadata can return information about more than one ontology, unlike other requests for ontology information. To get metadata about all ontologies:

HTTP GET to http://host/v2/ontologies/metadata

If you submit a project IRI in the X-Knora-Accept-Project header, only the ontologies for that project will be returned.

The response is in the complex API v2 schema. Sample response:

  "@graph": [
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2017-12-19T15:23:42.166Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The anything ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2022-03-23T07:14:17.445208Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The something ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2022-03-23T07:14:17.445208Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The images demo ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": "" 
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2022-03-23T07:14:17.445208Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The BEOL ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2022-03-23T07:14:17.445208Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The Biblio ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2022-03-23T07:14:17.445208Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The Newton-Project ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2022-03-23T07:14:17.445208Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The incunabula ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2022-03-23T07:14:17.445208Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The dokubib ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
        "@value": "2022-03-23T07:14:17.445208Z",
        "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp"
      "rdfs:label": "The Anton Webern project ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "rdfs:label": "The Knora admin ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "knora-api:isBuiltIn": true,
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "rdfs:label": "The knora-api ontology in the complex schema",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "knora-api:isBuiltIn": true,
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "rdfs:label": "The salsah-gui ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "knora-api:isBuiltIn": true,
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
      "rdfs:label": "The standoff ontology",
      "knora-api:attachedToProject": {
        "@id": ""
      "knora-api:isBuiltIn": true,
      "@type": "owl:Ontology",
      "@id": ""
  "@context": {
    "knora-api": "",
    "xsd": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "owl": ""

To get metadata about the ontologies that belong to one or more particular projects:

HTTP GET to http://host/v2/ontologies/metadata/PROJECT_IRI[/PROJECT_IRI...]

The project IRIs must be URL-encoded.

Example response for the anything test project (project IRI

  "@id" : "",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:attachedToProject" : {
    "@id" : ""
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate": "2017-12-19T15:23:42.166Z",
  "rdfs:label" : "The anything ontology",
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "owl" : ""

Querying an Ontology

An ontology can be queried either by using an API route directly or by simply dereferencing the ontology IRI. The API route is as follows:

HTTP GET to http://host/v2/ontologies/allentities/ONTOLOGY_IRI

The ontology IRI must be URL-encoded, and may be in either the complex or the simple schema. The response will be in the same schema. For example, if the server is running on, you can request the knora-api ontology in the complex schema as follows:


By default, this returns the ontology in JSON-LD; to request Turtle or RDF/XML, add an HTTP Accept header (see Response Formats).

If the client dereferences a project-specific ontology IRI as a URL, the DSP-API server running on the hostname in the IRI will serve the ontology. For example, if the server is running on, the IRI can be dereferenced to request the images sample ontology in the simple schema.

If the client dereferences a built-in Knora ontology, such as, there must be a DSP-API server running at that can serve the ontology. The DaSCH intends to run such as server. For testing, you can configure your local /etc/hosts file to resolve as localhost.

Differences Between Internal and External Ontologies

The external ontologies used by DSP-API v2 are different to the internal ontologies that are actually stored in the triplestore (see API Schema). In general, the external ontologies use simpler data structures, but they also provide additional information to make it easier for clients to use them. This is illustrated in the examples in the next sections.

The internal predicates knora-base:subjectClassConstraint and knora-base:objectClassConstraint (see Constraints on the Types of Property Subjects and Objects) are represented as knora-api:subjectType and knora-api:objectType in external ontologies.

JSON-LD Representation of an Ontology in the Simple Schema

The simple schema is suitable for client applications that need to read but not update data in Knora. For example, here is the response for the images sample ontology in the simple schema, (simplified for clarity):

  "@id" : "",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "rdfs:label" : "The images demo ontology",
  "@graph" : [ {
    "@id" : "images:bild",
    "@type" : "owl:Class",
    "knora-api:resourceIcon" : "bild.png",
    "rdfs:comment" : "An image of the demo image collection",
    "rdfs:label" : "Image",
    "rdfs:subClassOf" : [ {
      "@id" : "knora-api:StillImageRepresentation"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:creationDate"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasIncomingLink"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasStandoffLinkTo"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:minCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasStillImageFile"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:maxCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:lastModificationDate"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "rdfs:label"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:description"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:erfassungsdatum"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:maxCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:urheber"
    } ]
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:description",
    "@type" : "owl:DatatypeProperty",
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "xsd:string"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:bild"
    "rdfs:label" : "Description",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : [ {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
    }, {
      "@id" : ""
    } ]
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:erfassungsdatum",
    "@type" : "owl:DatatypeProperty",
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:Date"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:bild"
    "rdfs:label" : "Date of acquisition",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : [ {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
    }, {
      "@id" : ""
    } ]
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:firstname",
    "@type" : "owl:DatatypeProperty",
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "xsd:string"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:person"
    "rdfs:comment" : "First name of a person",
    "rdfs:label" : "First name",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:lastname",
    "@type" : "owl:DatatypeProperty",
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "xsd:string"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:person"
    "rdfs:comment" : "Last name of a person",
    "rdfs:label" : "Name",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:person",
    "@type" : "owl:Class",
    "knora-api:resourceIcon" : "person.png",
    "rdfs:comment" : "Person",
    "rdfs:label" : "Person",
    "rdfs:subClassOf" : [ {
      "@id" : "knora-api:Resource"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:creationDate"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasIncomingLink"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasStandoffLinkTo"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:maxCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:lastModificationDate"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "rdfs:label"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:lastname"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:firstname"
    } ]
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:urheber",
    "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:person"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:bild"
    "rdfs:comment" : "An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity.",
    "rdfs:label" : "Creator",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasLinkTo"
  } ],
  "@context" : {
    "rdf" : "",
    "images" : "",
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

The response format is an RDF graph. The top level object describes the ontology itself, providing its IRI (in the @id member) and its rdfs:label. The @graph member (see Named Graphs in the JSON-LD specification) contains an array of entities that belong to the ontology.

In a class definition, cardinalities for properties of the class are represented as in OWL, using objects of type owl:Restriction. The supported cardinalities are the ones indicated in OWL Cardinalities.

The class definitions include cardinalities that are directly defined on each class, as well as cardinalities inherited from base classes. For example, we can see cardinalities inherited from knora-api:Resource, such as knora-api:hasStandoffLinkTo and (which represents rdfs:label).

In the simple schema, Knora value properties can be datatype properties. The knora-base:objectType of a Knora value property such as images:description is a literal datatype, in this case xsd:string. Moreover, images:description is a subproperty of the standard property dcterms:description, whose object can be a literal value. A client that understands rdfs:subPropertyOf, and is familiar with dcterms:description, can then work with images:description on the basis of its knowledge about dcterms:description.

By default, values for rdfs:label and rdfs:comment are returned only in the user's preferred language, or in the system default language. To obtain these values in all available languages, add the URL parameter ?allLanguages=true. For example, with this parameter, the definition of images:description becomes:

  "@id" : "images:description",
  "@type" : "owl:DatatypeProperty",
  "knora-api:objectType" : {
    "@id" : "xsd:string"
  "knora-api:subjectType" : {
    "@id" : "images:bild"
  "rdfs:label" : [ {
    "@language" : "en",
    "@value" : "Description"
  }, {
    "@language" : "de",
    "@value" : "Beschreibung"
  }, {
    "@language" : "fr",
    "@value" : "Description"
  }, {
    "@language" : "it",
    "@value" : "Descrizione"
  } ],
  "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : [ {
    "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
  }, {
    "@id" : ""
  } ]

To find out more about the knora-api entities used in the response, the client can request the knora-api ontology in the simple schema: For example, images:erfassungsdatum has a knora-api:objectType of knora-api:Date, which is a subtype of xsd:string with a Knora-specific, human-readable format. In the knora-api simple ontology, there is a definition of this type:

  "@id" : "",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "rdfs:label" : "The knora-api ontology in the simple schema",
  "@graph" : [ {
    "@id" : "knora-api:Date",
    "@type" : "rdfs:Datatype",
    "rdfs:comment" : "Represents a date as a period with different possible precisions.",
    "rdfs:label" : "Date literal",
    "rdfs:subClassOf" : {
      "@type" : "rdfs:Datatype",
      "owl:onDatatype" : {
        "@id" : "xsd:string"
      "owl:withRestrictions" : {
        "xsd:pattern" : "(GREGORIAN|JULIAN|ISLAMIC):\\d{1,4}(-\\d{1,2}(-\\d{1,2})?)?( BC| AD| BCE| CE)?(:\\d{1,4}(-\\d{1,2}(-\\d{1,2})?)?( BC| AD| BCE| CE)?)?"
  } ],
  "@context" : {
    "rdf" : "",
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

JSON-LD Representation of an Ontology in the Complex Schema

The complex schema is suitable for client applications that need to update data in Knora. For example, here is the response for the images sample ontology in the complex schema, (simplified for clarity):

  "@id" : "",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:attachedToProject" : {
    "@id" : ""
  "rdfs:label" : "The images demo ontology",
  "@graph" : [ {
    "@id" : "images:bild",
    "@type" : "owl:Class",
    "knora-api:canBeInstantiated" : true,
    "knora-api:isResourceClass" : true,
    "knora-api:resourceIcon" : "bild.png",
    "rdfs:comment" : "An image of the demo image collection",
    "rdfs:label" : "Image",
    "rdfs:subClassOf" : [ {
      "@id" : "knora-api:StillImageRepresentation"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:attachedToProject"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:attachedToUser"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:creationDate"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasIncomingLink"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasPermissions"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasStandoffLinkTo"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasStandoffLinkToValue"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:minCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasStillImageFileValue"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:maxCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:lastModificationDate"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "rdfs:label"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "salsah-gui:guiOrder" : 3,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:description"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "salsah-gui:guiOrder" : 8,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:erfassungsdatum"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "salsah-gui:guiOrder" : 12,
      "owl:maxCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:urheber"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "salsah-gui:guiOrder" : 12,
      "owl:maxCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:urheberValue"
    } ]
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:description",
    "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
    "knora-api:isEditable" : true,
    "knora-api:isResourceProperty" : true,
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:TextValue"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:bild"
    "salsah-gui:guiAttribute" : [ "rows=10", "width=95%", "wrap=soft" ],
    "salsah-gui:guiElement" : {
      "@id" : "salsah-gui:Textarea"
    "rdfs:label" : "Description",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : [ {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
    }, {
      "@id" : ""
    } ]
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:erfassungsdatum",
    "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
    "knora-api:isEditable" : true,
    "knora-api:isResourceProperty" : true,
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:DateValue"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:bild"
    "salsah-gui:guiElement" : {
      "@id" : "salsah-gui:Date"
    "rdfs:label" : "Date of acquisition",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : [ {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
    }, {
      "@id" : ""
    } ]
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:firstname",
    "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
    "knora-api:isEditable" : true,
    "knora-api:isResourceProperty" : true,
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:TextValue"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:person"
    "salsah-gui:guiAttribute" : [ "maxlength=32", "size=32" ],
    "salsah-gui:guiElement" : {
      "@id" : "salsah-gui:SimpleText"
    "rdfs:comment" : "First name of a person",
    "rdfs:label" : "First name",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:lastname",
    "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
    "knora-api:isEditable" : true,
    "knora-api:isResourceProperty" : true,
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:TextValue"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:person"
    "salsah-gui:guiAttribute" : [ "maxlength=32", "size=32" ],
    "salsah-gui:guiElement" : {
      "@id" : "salsah-gui:SimpleText"
    "rdfs:comment" : "Last name of a person",
    "rdfs:label" : "Name",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasValue"
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:person",
    "@type" : "owl:Class",
    "knora-api:canBeInstantiated" : true,
    "knora-api:isResourceClass" : true,
    "knora-api:resourceIcon" : "person.png",
    "rdfs:comment" : "Person",
    "rdfs:label" : "Person",
    "rdfs:subClassOf" : [ {
      "@id" : "knora-api:Resource"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:attachedToProject"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:attachedToUser"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:creationDate"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasIncomingLink"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasPermissions"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasStandoffLinkTo"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:minCardinality" : 0,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:hasStandoffLinkToValue"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:maxCardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "knora-api:lastModificationDate"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "knora-api:isInherited" : true,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "rdfs:label"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "salsah-gui:guiOrder" : 0,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:lastname"
    }, {
      "@type" : "owl:Restriction",
      "salsah-gui:guiOrder" : 1,
      "owl:cardinality" : 1,
      "owl:onProperty" : {
        "@id" : "images:firstname"
    } ]
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:urheber",
    "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
    "knora-api:isEditable" : true,
    "knora-api:isLinkProperty" : true,
    "knora-api:isResourceProperty" : true,
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:person"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:bild"
    "salsah-gui:guiAttribute" : "numprops=2",
    "salsah-gui:guiElement" : {
      "@id" : "salsah-gui:Searchbox"
    "rdfs:comment" : "An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity.",
    "rdfs:label" : "Creator",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasLinkTo"
  }, {
    "@id" : "images:urheberValue",
    "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
    "knora-api:isEditable" : true,
    "knora-api:isLinkValueProperty" : true,
    "knora-api:isResourceProperty" : true,
    "knora-api:objectType" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:LinkValue"
    "knora-api:subjectType" : {
      "@id" : "images:bild"
    "salsah-gui:guiAttribute" : "numprops=2",
    "salsah-gui:guiElement" : {
      "@id" : "salsah-gui:Searchbox"
    "rdfs:comment" : "An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity.",
    "rdfs:label" : "Creator",
    "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : {
      "@id" : "knora-api:hasLinkToValue"
  } ],
  "@context" : {
    "rdf" : "",
    "images" : "",
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "salsah-gui" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

In the complex schema, all Knora value properties are object properties, whose objects are IRIs, each of which uniquely identifies a value that contains metadata and can potentially be edited. The knora-base:objectType of a Knora value property such as images:description is a Knora value class, in this case knora-api:TextValue. Similarly, images:erfassungsdatum has a knora-api:objectType of knora-api:DateValue, which has a more complex structure than the knora-api:Date datatype shown in the previous section. A client can find out more about these value classes by requesting the knora-api ontology in the complex schema,

Moreover, additional information is provided in the complex schema, to help clients that wish to create or update resources and values. A Knora resource class that can be instantiated is identified with the boolean properties knora-api:isResourceClass and knora-api:canBeInstantiated, to distinguish it from built-in abstract classes. Knora resource properties whose values can be edited by clients are identified with knora-api:isResourceProperty and knora-api:isEditable, to distinguish them from properties whose values are maintained automatically by Knora. Link value properties are shown along with link properties, because a client that updates links will need the IRIs of their link values. The predicate salsah-gui:guiOrder tells a GUI client in what order to display the properties of a class, and the predicates salsah-gui:guiElement and salsah-gui:guiAttribute specify how to configure a GUI element for editing the value of a property. For more information on the salsah-gui ontology, see The SALSAH GUI Ontology.

Ontology Updates

The ontology update API must ensure that the ontologies it creates are valid and consistent, and that existing data is not invalidated by a change to an ontology. To make this easier to enforce, the ontology update API allows only one entity to be created or modified at a time. It is not possible to submit an entire ontology all at once. Each update request is a JSON-LD document providing only the information that is relevant to the update.

Moreover, the API enforces the following rules:

  • An entity (i.e. a class or property) cannot be referred to until it has been created.
  • An entity cannot be modified or deleted if it is used in data, except for changes to its rdfs:label or rdfs:comment.
  • An entity cannot be modified if another entity refers to it, with one exception: a knora-api:subjectType or knora-api:objectType that refers to a class will not prevent the class's cardinalities from being modified.

Because of these rules, some operations have to be done in a specific order:

  • Properties have to be defined before they can be used in the cardinalities of a class, but a property's knora-api:subjectType cannot refer to a class that does not yet exist. The recommended approach is to first create a class with no cardinalities, then create the properties that it needs, then add cardinalities for those properties to the class.
  • To delete a class along with its properties, the client must first remove the cardinalities from the class, then delete the property definitions, then delete the class definition.

When changing an existing ontology, the client must always supply the ontology's knora-api:lastModificationDate, which is returned in the response to each update or when querying the ontology. If user A attempts to update an ontology, but user B has already updated it since the last time user A received the ontology's knora-api:lastModificationDate, user A's update will be rejected with an HTTP 409 Conflict error. This means that it is possible for two different users to work concurrently on the same ontology, but this is discouraged since it is likely to lead to confusion.

An ontology can be created or updated only by a system administrator, or by a project administrator in the ontology's project.

Ontology updates always use the complex schema.

Creating a New Ontology

An ontology is always created within a particular project.

HTTP POST to http://host/v2/ontologies
  "knora-api:ontologyName" : "ONTOLOGY_NAME",
  "knora-api:attachedToProject" : {
    "@id" : "PROJECT_IRI"
  "rdfs:label" : "ONTOLOGY_NAME",
  "@context" : {
    "rdfs" : "",
    "knora-api" : ""

The ontology name must follow the rules given in Knora IRIs.

The ontology metadata can have an optional comment given in the request body as:

"rdfs:comment": "some comment",

If the ontology is to be shared by multiple projects, it must be created in the default shared ontologies project,, and the request must have this additional boolean property:

"knora-api:isShared" : true

See Shared Ontologies for details about shared ontologies.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing only the ontology's metadata, which includes the ontology's IRI. When the client makes further requests to create entities (classes and properties) in the ontology, it must construct entity IRIs by concatenating the ontology IRI, a # character, and the entity name. An entity name must be a valid XML NCName.

Changing an Ontology's Metadata

One can modify an ontology's metadata by updating its rdfs:label or rdfs:comment or both. The example below shows the request for changing the label of an ontology.

HTTP PUT to http://host/v2/ontologies/metadata
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "rdfs:label" : "NEW_ONTOLOGY_LABEL",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@context" : {
    "xsd" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "knora-api" : ""

Similarly, a user can change an ontology's existing comment or add one by specifying the new comment in the request body:

  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "rdfs:comment" : "NEW_ONTOLOGY_COMMENT",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@context" : {
    "xsd" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "knora-api" : ""

The request body can also contain a new label and a new comment for the ontology's metadata. A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing only the ontology's metadata.

Deleting an Ontology's comment

HTTP DELETE to http://host/v2/ontologies/comment/ONTOLOGY_IRI?lastModificationDate=ONTOLOGY_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE

The ontology IRI and the ontology's last modification date must be URL-encoded.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document containing the ontology's updated metadata.

Deleting an Ontology

An ontology can be deleted only if it is not used in data.

HTTP DELETE to http://host/v2/ontologies/ONTOLOGY_IRI?lastModificationDate=ONTOLOGY_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE

The ontology IRI and the ontology's last modification date must be URL-encoded.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document containing a confirmation message.

To check whether an ontology can be deleted:

HTTP GET to http://host/v2/ontologies/candeleteontology/ONTOLOGY_IRI

The response will look like this:

    "knora-api:canDo": false,
    "@context": {
        "knora-api": ""

Creating a Class Without Cardinalities

HTTP POST to http://host/v2/ontologies/classes
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [
      "@id" : "CLASS_IRI",
      "@type" : "owl:Class",
      "rdfs:label" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "LABEL"
      "rdfs:comment" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "COMMENT"
      "rdfs:subClassOf" : {
        "@id" : "BASE_CLASS_IRI"
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

Values for rdfs:label must be submitted in at least one language, either as an object or as an array of objects.

At least one base class must be provided, which can be knora-api:Resource or any of its subclasses.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing the new class definition (but not any of the other entities in the ontology).

Creating a Class With Cardinalities

This can work if the new class will have cardinalities for properties that have no knora-api:subjectType, or if the new class will be a subclass of their knora-api:subjectType.

HTTP POST to http://host/v2/ontologies/classes
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [
      "@id" : "CLASS_IRI",
      "@type" : "owl:Class",
      "rdfs:label" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "LABEL"
      "rdfs:comment" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "COMMENT"
      "rdfs:subClassOf" : [ {
        "@id" : "BASE_CLASS_IRI"
      }, {
        "@type": "owl:Restriction",
        "owl:onProperty": {
          "@id" : "PROPERTY_IRI"
      } ]
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

OWL_CARDINALITY_PREDICATE and OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE must correspond to the supported combinations given in OWL Cardinalities. (The placeholder OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE is shown here in quotes, but it should be an unquoted integer.)

Values for rdfs:label must be submitted in at least one language, either as an object or as an array of objects.

At least one base class must be provided.

When a cardinality on a link property is submitted, an identical cardinality on the corresponding link value property is automatically added (see Links Between Resources).

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing the new class definition (but not any of the other entities in the ontology).

Changing the Labels of a Class

This operation is permitted even if the class is used in data.

HTTP PUT to http://host/v2/ontologies/classes
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [
      "@id" : "CLASS_IRI",
      "@type" : "owl:Class",
      "rdfs:label" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "LABEL"
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

Values for rdfs:label must be submitted in at least one language, either as an object or as an array of objects. The submitted labels will replace the existing ones.

Changing the Comments of a Class

This operation is permitted even if the class is used in data.

HTTP PUT to http://host/v2/ontologies/classes
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [
      "@id" : "CLASS_IRI",
      "@type" : "owl:Class",
      "rdfs:comment" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "COMMENT"
  "@context" : {
    "rdf" : "",
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

Values for rdfs:comment must be submitted in at least one language, either as an object or as an array of objects. The submitted comments will replace the existing ones.

Deleting the Comments of a Class

This operation is permitted even if the class is used in data.

HTTP DELETE to http://host/v2/ontologies/classes/comment/CLASS_IRI?lastModificationDate=ONTOLOGY_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE

The class IRI and the ontology's last modification date must be URL-encoded.

All values i.e. all languages for rdfs:comment are deleted.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing the class definition.

Creating a Property

HTTP POST to http://host/v2/ontologies/properties
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [
      "@id" : "PROPERTY_IRI",
      "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
      "knora-api:subjectType" : {
        "@id" : "SUBJECT_TYPE"
      "knora-api:objectType" : {
        "@id" : "OBJECT_TYPE"
      "rdfs:label" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "LABEL"
      "rdfs:comment" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "COMMENT"
      "rdfs:subPropertyOf" : {
        "@id" : "BASE_PROPERTY_IRI"
      "salsah-gui:guiElement" : {
        "@id" : "GUI_ELEMENT_IRI"
      "salsah-gui:guiAttribute" : [ "GUI_ATTRIBUTE" ]
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "salsah-gui" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

Values for rdfs:label must be submitted in at least one language, either as an object or as an array of objects.

At least one base property must be provided, which can be knora-api:hasValue, knora-api:hasLinkTo, or any of their subproperties, with the exception of file properties (subproperties of knora-api:hasFileValue) and link value properties (subproperties of knora-api:hasLinkToValue).

If the property is a link property, the corresponding link value property (see Links Between Resources) will automatically be created.

The property definition must specify its knora-api:objectType. If the new property is a subproperty of knora-api:hasValue, its knora-api:objectType must be one of the built-in subclasses of knora-api:Value, which are defined in the knora-api ontology in the complex schema. If the new property is a subproperty of knora-base:hasLinkTo, its knora-api:objectType must be a subclass of knora-api:Resource.

To improve consistency checking, it is recommended, but not required, to provide knora-api:subjectType, which must be a subclass of knora-api:Resource.

The predicates salsah-gui:guiElement and salsah-gui:guiAttribute are optional. If provided, the object of guiElement must be one of the OWL named individuals defined in The SALSAH GUI Ontology. Some GUI elements take required or optional attributes, which are provided as objects of salsah-gui:guiAttribute; see The SALSAH GUI Ontology for details.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing the new property definition (but not any of the other entities in the ontology).

Changing the Labels of a Property

This operation is permitted even if the property is used in data.

HTTP PUT to http://host/v2/ontologies/properties
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [
      "@id" : "PROPERTY_IRI",
      "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
      "rdfs:label" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "LABEL"
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

Values for rdfs:label must be submitted in at least one language, either as an object or as an array of objects.

Changing the Comments of a Property

This operation is permitted even if the property is used in data.

HTTP PUT to http://host/v2/ontologies/properties
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [
      "@id" : "PROPERTY_IRI",
      "@type" : "owl:ObjectProperty",
      "rdfs:comment" : {
        "@language" : "LANGUAGE_CODE",
        "@value" : "COMMENT"
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

Values for rdfs:comment must be submitted in at least one language, either as an object or as an array of objects.

Deleting the Comments of a Property

This operation is permitted even if the property is used in data.

HTTP DELETE to http://host/v2/ontologies/properties/comment/PROPERTY_IRI?lastModificationDate=ONTOLOGY_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE

The property IRI and the ontology's last modification date must be URL-encoded.

All values i.e. all languages for rdfs:comment are deleted.

If the property is a link property, the rdfs:comment of its corresponding link value property will automatically be deleted.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing the property definition.

Changing the GUI Element and GUI Attributes of a Property

This operation is permitted even if the property is used in data.

HTTP PUT to http://host/v2/ontologies/properties/guielement
  "@id": "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type": "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate": {
    "@type": "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "PROPERTY_IRI",
      "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty",
      "salsah-gui:guiElement": {
        "@id": "salsah-gui:Textarea"
      "salsah-gui:guiAttribute": [
  "@context": {
    "rdf": "",
    "knora-api": "",
    "salsah-gui": "",
    "owl": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "xsd": ""

To remove the values of salsah-gui:guiElement and salsah-gui:guiAttribute from the property definition, submit the request without those predicates.

Adding Cardinalities to a Class

If the class (or any of its sub-classes) is used in data, it is not allowed to add cardinalities owl:minCardinality greater than 0 or owl:cardinality 1 to the class.

HTTP POST to http://host/v2/ontologies/cardinalities
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [ 
      "@id" : "CLASS_IRI",
      "@type" : "owl:Class",
      "rdfs:subClassOf" : {
        "@type": "owl:Restriction",
        "owl:onProperty": {
          "@id" : "PROPERTY_IRI"
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

At least one cardinality must be submitted.

OWL_CARDINALITY_PREDICATE and OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE must correspond to the supported combinations given in OWL Cardinalities. (The placeholder OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE is shown here in quotes, but it should be an unquoted integer.)

When a cardinality on a link property is submitted, an identical cardinality on the corresponding link value property is automatically added (see Links Between Resources).

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing the new class definition (but not any of the other entities in the ontology).

Replacing the Cardinalities of a Class

It is possible to replace all cardinalities on properties used by a class.
If it succeeds the request will effectively replace all direct cardinalities of the class as specified. That is, it removes all the cardinalities from the class and replaces them with the submitted cardinalities. Meaning that, if no cardinalities are submitted (i.e. the request contains no rdfs:subClassOf), the class is left with no cardinalities.

The request will fail if any of the "Pre-Update Checks" fails. A partial update of the ontology will not be performed.

Pre-Update Checks

  • Ontology Check
    • Any given cardinality on a property must be included in any of the existing cardinalities for the same property of the super-classes.
    • Any given cardinality on a property must include the effective cardinalities for the same property of all subclasses, taking into account the respective inherited cardinalities from the class hierarchy of the subclasses.
  • Consistency Check with existing data
    • Given that instances of the class or any of its subclasses exist then these instances are checked if they conform to the given cardinality.
HTTP PUT to http://host/v2/ontologies/cardinalities
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [ {
    "@id" : "CLASS_IRI",
    "@type" : "owl:Class",
    "rdfs:subClassOf" : {
      "@type": "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:onProperty": {
        "@id" : "PROPERTY_IRI"
  } ],
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

OWL_CARDINALITY_PREDICATE and OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE must correspond to the supported combinations given in OWL Cardinalities. (The placeholder OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE is shown here in quotes, but it should be an unquoted integer.)

When a cardinality on a link property is submitted, an identical cardinality on the corresponding link value property is automatically added (see Links Between Resources).

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing the new class definition (but not any of the other entities in the ontology). If any of the "Pre-Update Checks" fail the endpoint will respond with a 400 Bad Request containing the reasons why the update failed.

The "Pre-Update Checks" are available on a dedicated endpoint. For a check whether a particular cardinality can be set on a class/property combination, use the following request:

HTTP GET to http://host/v2/ontologies/canreplacecardinalities/CLASS_IRI?propertyIri=PROPERTY_IRI&newCardinality=[0-1|1|1-n|0-n]

The response will look like this:


    "knora-api:canDo": false,
    "knora-api:cannotDoReason": "An explanation, understandable to humans, why the update cannot be carried out.",
    "@context": {
        "knora-api": ""


    "knora-api:canDo": true,
    "@context": {
        "knora-api": ""

Note: The following check is still available but deprecated - use the more detailed check above.

To check whether all class's cardinalities can be replaced:

HTTP GET to http://host/v2/ontologies/canreplacecardinalities/CLASS_IRI
The response will look like this:

    "knora-api:canDo": false,
    "@context": {
        "knora-api": ""

The ontologies/canreplacecardinalities/CLASS_IRI request is only checking if the class is in use.

Delete a single cardinality from a class

If a class is used in data, it is only allowed to delete a cardinality, if the property a cardinality refers to, is not used inside the data. Also, the property isn't allowed to be used inside the data in any subclasses of this class.

HTTP PATCH to http://host/v2/ontologies/cardinalities
  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [ {
    "@id" : "CLASS_IRI",
    "@type" : "owl:Class",
    "rdfs:subClassOf" : {
      "@type": "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:onProperty": {
        "@id" : "PROPERTY_IRI"
  } ],
  "@context" : {
    "knora-api" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

OWL_CARDINALITY_PREDICATE and OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE must correspond to the supported combinations given in OWL Cardinalities. (The placeholder OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE is shown here in quotes, but it should be an unquoted integer.)

When a cardinality on a link property is submitted, an identical cardinality on the corresponding link value property is automatically added (see Links Between Resources).

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing the new class definition (but not any of the other entities in the ontology).

To check whether a class's cardinality can be deleted:

HTTP POST to http://host/v2/ontologies/candeletecardinalities

The response will look like this:

    "knora-api:canDo": false,
    "@context": {
        "knora-api": ""

Changing the GUI Order of Cardinalities

To change the GUI order of one or more cardinalities in a class:

HTTP PUT to http://host/v2/ontologies/guiorder

This can be done even if the class is used in data.

The request body includes the cardinalities whose GUI order should be changed, using the predicate salsah-gui:guiOrder, whose object is an integer:

  "@id" : "ONTOLOGY_IRI",
  "@type" : "owl:Ontology",
  "knora-api:lastModificationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
  "@graph" : [ {
    "@id" : "CLASS_IRI",
    "@type" : "owl:Class",
    "rdfs:subClassOf" : {
      "@type": "owl:Restriction",
      "owl:onProperty": {
        "@id" : "PROPERTY_IRI"
      "salsah-gui:guiOrder": "GUI_ORDER_VALUE"
  } ],
  "@context" : {
    "rdf" : "",
    "knora-api" : "",
    "salsah-gui" : "",
    "owl" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

Only the cardinalities whose GUI order is to be changed need to be included in the request. The OWL_CARDINALITY_PREDICATE and OWL_CARDINALITY_VALUE are ignored; only the GUI_ORDER_VALUE is changed.

Deleting a Property

A property can be deleted only if no other ontology entity refers to it, and if it is not used in data.

HTTP DELETE to http://host/v2/ontologies/properties/PROPERTY_IRI?lastModificationDate=ONTOLOGY_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE

The property IRI and the ontology's last modification date must be URL-encoded.

If the property is a link property, the corresponding link value property (see Links Between Resources) will automatically be deleted.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing only the ontology's metadata.

To check whether a property can be deleted:

HTTP GET to http://host/v2/ontologies/candeleteproperty/PROPERTY_IRI

The response will look like this:

    "knora-api:canDo": false,
    "@context": {
        "knora-api": ""

Deleting a Class

A class can be deleted only if no other ontology entity refers to it, and if it is not used in data.

HTTP DELETE to http://host/v2/ontologies/classes/CLASS_IRI?lastModificationDate=ONTOLOGY_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE

The class IRI and the ontology's last modification date must be URL-encoded.

A successful response will be a JSON-LD document providing only the ontology's metadata.

To check whether a class can be deleted:

HTTP GET to http://host/v2/ontologies/candeleteclass/CLASS_IRI

The response will look like this:

    "knora-api:canDo": false,
    "@context": {
        "knora-api": ""

Last update: 2023-02-22