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Knora provides a permanent, citable URL for each resource and value. These URLs use Archival Resource Key (ARK) Identifiers, and are designed to remain valid even if the resource itself is moved from one Knora repository to another.

Obtaining ARK URLs

In the complex schema, a resource or value is always returned with two ARK URLs: one that will always refer to the latest version of the resource or value (knora-api:arkUrl), and one that refers specifically to the version being returned (knora-api:versionArkUrl). For example:

  "@id" : "",
  "@type" : "incunabula:book",
  "incunabula:book_comment" : {
    "@id" : "",
    "@type" : "knora-api:TextValue",
    "knora-api:arkUrl" : {
      "@type" : "xsd:anyURI",
      "@value" : ""
    "knora-api:versionArkUrl" : {
      "@type" : "xsd:anyURI",
      "@value" : ""
    "knora-api:attachedToUser" : {
      "@id" : ""
    "knora-api:hasPermissions" : "CR knora-admin:Creator|M knora-admin:ProjectMember|V knora-admin:UnknownUser",
    "knora-api:userHasPermission" : "V",
    "knora-api:valueAsString" : "Katalogaufnahme anhand ISTC und v.d.Haegen",
    "knora-api:valueCreationDate" : {
      "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
      "@value" : "2016-03-02T15:05:21Z"
    "knora-api:valueHasUUID" : "dhaRsvZATjmOxhCOOzHqew"
  "knora-api:arkUrl" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:anyURI",
    "@value" : ""
  "knora-api:versionArkUrl" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:anyURI",
    "@value" : ""
  "knora-api:attachedToProject" : {
    "@id" : ""
  "knora-api:attachedToUser" : {
    "@id" : ""
  "knora-api:creationDate" : {
    "@type" : "xsd:dateTimeStamp",
    "@value" : "2016-03-02T15:05:21Z"
  "knora-api:hasPermissions" : "CR knora-admin:Creator|M knora-admin:ProjectMember|V knora-admin:UnknownUser",
  "knora-api:userHasPermission" : "V",
  "rdfs:label" : "Reise ins Heilige Land",
  "@context" : {
    "rdf" : "",
    "knora-api" : "",
    "rdfs" : "",
    "incunabula" : "",
    "xsd" : ""

In the simple schema, resources are returned with ARK URLs, but values are returned as literals, so ARK URLs are not provided for values.

For more information on getting past versions of resources and values, see:

Resolving Knora ARK URLs

A Knora ARK URL is intended to be resolved by the Knora ARK resolver.

Knora ARK URL Format

For details, see Archival Resource Key (ARK) Identifiers.

ARK URLs for Projects

The format of a Knora project ARK URL is as follows:


NAAN is a Name Assigning Authority Number, VERSION is the version number of the Knora ARK URL format (currently always 1), and PROJECT is the project's short-code.

For example, given a project with ID 0001, and using the DaSCH's ARK resolver hostname and NAAN, the ARK URL for the project itself is:

This could redirect to a page describing the project.

ARK URLs for Resources

The format of a Knora resource ARK URL is as follows:


NAAN is a Name Assigning Authority Number, VERSION is the version number of the Knora ARK URL format (currently always 1), PROJECT is the project's short-code, and RESOURCE_UUID is the resource's UUID.

For example, given the Knora resource IRI, and using the DaSCH's ARK resolver hostname and NAAN, the corresponding ARK URL without a timestamp is:

The same ARK URL with an optional timestamp is:

Without a timestamp, a Knora resource ARK URL refers to the latest version of the resource at the time when the URL is resolved.

ARK URLs for Values

The format of a Knora value ARK URL is as follows:


NAAN is a Name Assigning Authority Number, VERSION is the version number of the Knora ARK URL format (currently always 1), PROJECT is the project's short-code, RESOURCE_UUID is the resource's UUID, and VALUE_UUID is the value's knora-api:valueHasUUID.

For example, given a value with knora-api:valueHasUUID "4OOf3qJUTnCDXlPNnygSzQ" in the resource, and using the DaSCH's ARK resolver hostname and NAAN, the corresponding ARK URL without a timestamp is:

The same ARK URL with an optional timestamp is:

Without a timestamp, a Knora value ARK URL refers to the latest version of the value at the time when the URL is resolved.

Last update: 2023-02-22