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DSP-API and Sipi


The DSP-API specific configuration and scripts for Sipi are in the sipi subdirectory of the DSP-API source tree. See the for instructions on how to start Sipi with DSP-API.

Lua Scripts

DSP-API v2 uses custom Lua scripts to control Sipi. These scripts can be found in sipi/scripts in the DSP-API source tree.

Each of these scripts expects a JSON Web Token in the URL parameter token. In all cases, the token must be signed by DSP-API, it must have an expiration date and not have expired, its issuer must equal the hostname and port of the API, and its audience must include Sipi. The other contents of the expected tokens are described below.


The upload.lua script is available at Sipi's upload route. It processes one or more file uploads submitted to Sipi. It converts uploaded images to JPEG 2000 format, and stores them in Sipi's tmp directory. The usage of this script is described in Upload Files to Sipi.

Each time upload.lua processes a request, it also deletes old temporary files from tmp and (recursively) from any subdirectories. The maximum allowed age of temporary files can be set in Sipi's configuration file, using the parameter max_temp_file_age, which takes a value in seconds, and defaults to 86400 (1 day).


The store.lua script is available at Sipi's store route. It moves a file from temporary to permanent storage. It expects an HTTP POST request containing application/x-www-form-urlencoded data with the parameters prefix (the project shortcode) and filename (the internal Sipi-generated filename of the file to be moved).

The JWT sent to this script must contain the key knora-data, whose value must be a JSON object containing:

  • permission: must be StoreFile
  • prefix: the project shortcode submitted in the form data
  • filename: the filename submitted in the form data


The delete_temp_file.lua script is available at Sipi's delete_temp_file route. It is used only if DSP-API rejects a file value update request. It expects an HTTP DELETE request, with a filename as the last component of the URL.

The JWT sent to this script must contain the key knora-data, whose value must be a JSON object containing:

  • permission: must be DeleteTempFile
  • filename: must be the same as the filename submitted in the URL


In DSP-API, the org.knora.webapi.iiif.SipiConnector handles all communication with Sipi. It blocks while processing each request, to ensure that the number of concurrent requests to Sipi is not greater than If it encounters an error, it returns SipiException.

The Image File Upload Workflow

  1. The client uploads an image file to the upload route, which runs upload.lua. The image is converted to JPEG 2000 and stored in Sipi's tmp directory. In the response, the client receives the JPEG 2000's unique, randomly generated filename.
  2. The client submits a JSON-LD request to a DSP-API route (/v2/values or /v2/resources) to create or change a file value. The request includes Sipi's internal filename.
  3. During parsing of this JSON-LD request, a StillImageFileValueContentV2 is constructed to represent the file value. During the construction of this object, a GetFileMetadataRequestV2 is sent to SipiConnector, which uses Sipi's built-in knora.json route to get the rest of the file's metadata.
  4. A responder (ResourcesResponderV2 or ValuesResponderV2) validates the request and updates the triplestore. (If it is ResourcesResponderV2, it asks ValuesResponderV2 to generate SPARQL for the values.)
  5. The responder that did the update calls ValueUtilV2.doSipiPostUpdate. If the triplestore update was successful, this method sends MoveTemporaryFileToPermanentStorageRequestV2 to SipiConnector, which makes a request to Sipi's store route. Otherwise, the same method sends DeleteTemporaryFileRequestV2 to SipiConnector, which makes a request to Sipi's delete_temp_file route.

If the request to DSP-API cannot be parsed, the temporary file is not deleted immediately, but it will be deleted during the processing of a subsequent request by Sipi's upload route.

If Sipi's store route fails, DSP-API returns the SipiException to the client. In this case, manual intervention may be necessary to restore consistency between DSP-API and Sipi.

If Sipi's delete_temp_file route fails, the error is not returned to the client, because there is already a DSP-API error that needs to be returned to the client. In this case, the Sipi error is simply logged.

Last update: 2023-02-22