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RDF Processing API

DSP provides an API for parsing and formatting RDF data and for working with RDF graphs. This allows DSP developers to use a single, idiomatic Scala API as a façade for a Java RDF library.


The API is in the package org.knora.webapi.messages.util.rdf. It includes:

  • RdfModel, which represents a set of RDF graphs (a default graph and/or one or more named graphs). A model can be constructed from scratch, modified, and searched.

  • RdfNode and its subclasses, which represent RDF nodes (IRIs, blank nodes, and literals).

  • Statement, which represents a triple or quad.

  • RdfNodeFactory, which creates nodes and statements.

  • RdfModelFactory, which creates empty RDF models.

  • RdfFormatUtil, which parses and formats RDF models.

  • JsonLDUtil, which provides specialised functionality for working with RDF in JSON-LD format, and for converting between RDF models and JSON-LD documents. RdfFormatUtil uses JsonLDUtil when appropriate.

  • ShaclValidator, which validates RDF models using SHACL shapes.

To work with RDF models, start with RdfFeatureFactory, which returns instances of RdfNodeFactory, RdfModelFactory, RdfFormatUtil, and ShaclValidator. JsonLDUtil does not need a feature factory.

To iterate efficiently over the statements in an RdfModel, use its iterator method. An RdfModel cannot be modified while you are iterating over it. If you are iterating to look for statements to modify, you can collect a Set of statements to remove and a Set of statements to add, and perform these update operations after you have finished the iteration.

RDF stream processing

To read or write a large amount of RDF data without generating a large string object, you can use the stream processing methods in RdfFormatUtil.

To parse an InputStream to an RdfModel, use inputStreamToRdfModel. To format an RdfModel to an OutputStream, use rdfModelToOutputStream.

To parse RDF data from an InputStream and process it one statement at a time, you can write a class that implements the RdfStreamProcessor trait, and use it with the RdfFormatUtil.parseWithStreamProcessor method. Your RdfStreamProcessor can also send one statement at a time to a formatting stream processor, which knows how to write RDF to an OutputStream in a particular format. Use RdfFormatUtil.makeFormattingStreamProcessor to construct one of these.

SPARQL queries

In tests, it can be useful to run SPARQL queries to check the content of an RdfModel. To do this, use the RdfModel.asRepository method, which returns an RdfRepository that can run SELECT queries.

The configuration of the default graph depends on which underlying RDF library is used. If you are querying data in named graphs, use FROM or quad patterns rather than the default graph.

SHACL validation

On startup, graphs of SHACL shapes are loaded from Turtle files in a directory specified by app.shacl.shapes-dir in application.conf, and in subdirectories of that directory. To validate the default graph of an RdfModel using a graph of SHACL shapes, call ShaclValidator.validate, specifying the relative path of the Turtle file containing the graph of shapes.


  • The Jena-based implementation, in package org.knora.webapi.messages.util.rdf.jenaimpl.

  • The RDF4J-based implementation, in package org.knora.webapi.messages.util.rdf.rdf4jimpl.


  • SHACL validation.

Last update: 2023-02-22