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Third-Party Dependencies

Third party libraries are managed by SBT.

Defining Dependencies in Dependencies.scala

Within the build.sbt file, the Dependencies package is referenced, which is located in project/Dependencies.scala. All third party dependencies need to be declared there.

Referencing a third party library

There is an object Dependencies where each library should be declared in a val.

val akkaHttpCors = "ch.megard" %% "akka-http-cors" % "1.0.0"

The first string corresponds to the group/organization in the library's maven artefact, the second string corresponds to the artefact ID and the third string defines the version.

The strings are combined with % or %% operators, the latter fixing the dependency to the specified scala-version.

It is also possible to use variables in these definitions, e.g. if multiple dependencies share a version number:

val ZioVersion = "2.0.0-RC2"
val zio = "dev.zio" %% "zio" % ZioVersion
val zioTest = "dev.zio" %% "zio-test" % ZioVersion

Assigning the dependencies to a specific subproject

For each SBT project, there is one Seq in the Dependencies object. In order to make use of the declared dependencies, they must be referred to in the Seq of the respective subproject.

val webapiLibraryDependencies = Seq(
    akkaSlf4j % Runtime,
    akkaHttpTestkit % Test,

By default, the dependencies will be scoped to compile time. But it's possible to override this to Runtime or Test.

Docker Image Versions

The required Docker image versions of Sipi and Fuseki are also defined in the Dependencies.scala file.

Last update: 2023-02-22