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Ontology Schemas

OntologySchema Type

As explained in API Schema, Knora can represent the same RDF data in different forms: an "internal schema" for use in the triplestore, and different "external schemas" for use in Knora API v2. Different schemas use different IRIs, as explained in Knora IRIs. Internally, Knora uses a SmartIri class to convert IRIs between schemas.

The data type representing a schema itself is OntologySchema, which uses the sealed trait pattern:

package org.knora.webapi

  * Indicates the schema that a Knora ontology or ontology entity conforms to.
sealed trait OntologySchema

  * The schema of DSP ontologies and entities that are used in the triplestore.
case object InternalSchema extends OntologySchema

  * The schema of DSP ontologies and entities that are used in API v2.
sealed trait ApiV2Schema extends OntologySchema

  * The simple schema for representing DSP ontologies and entities. This schema represents values as literals
  * when possible.
case object ApiV2Simple extends ApiV2Schema

  * The default (or complex) schema for representing DSP ontologies and entities. This
  * schema always represents values as objects.
case object ApiV2Complex extends ApiV2Schema

  * A trait representing options that can be submitted to configure an ontology schema.
sealed trait SchemaOption

  * A trait representing options that affect the rendering of markup when text values are returned.
sealed trait MarkupRendering extends SchemaOption

  * Indicates that markup should be rendered as XML when text values are returned.
case object MarkupAsXml extends MarkupRendering

  * Indicates that markup should not be returned with text values, because it will be requested
  * separately as standoff.
case object MarkupAsStandoff extends MarkupRendering

  * Indicates that no markup should be returned with text values. Used only internally.
case object NoMarkup extends MarkupRendering

  * Utility functions for working with schema options.
object SchemaOptions {
      * A set of schema options for querying all standoff markup along with text values.
    val ForStandoffWithTextValues: Set[SchemaOption] = Set(MarkupAsXml)

      * A set of schema options for querying standoff markup separately from text values.
    val ForStandoffSeparateFromTextValues: Set[SchemaOption] = Set(MarkupAsStandoff)

      * Determines whether standoff should be queried when a text value is queried.
      * @param targetSchema the target API schema.
      * @param schemaOptions the schema options submitted with the request.
      * @return `true` if standoff should be queried.
    def queryStandoffWithTextValues(targetSchema: ApiV2Schema, schemaOptions: Set[SchemaOption]): Boolean = {
        targetSchema == ApiV2Complex && !schemaOptions.contains(MarkupAsStandoff)

      * Determines whether markup should be rendered as XML.
      * @param targetSchema the target API schema.
      * @param schemaOptions the schema options submitted with the request.
      * @return `true` if markup should be rendered as XML.
    def renderMarkupAsXml(targetSchema: ApiV2Schema, schemaOptions: Set[SchemaOption]): Boolean = {
        targetSchema == ApiV2Complex && !schemaOptions.contains(MarkupAsStandoff)

      * Determines whether markup should be rendered as standoff, separately from text values.
      * @param targetSchema the target API schema.
      * @param schemaOptions the schema options submitted with the request.
      * @return `true` if markup should be rendered as standoff.
    def renderMarkupAsStandoff(targetSchema: ApiV2Schema, schemaOptions: Set[SchemaOption]): Boolean = {
        targetSchema == ApiV2Complex && schemaOptions.contains(MarkupAsStandoff)

This class hierarchy allows method declarations to restrict the schemas they accept. A method that can accept any schema can take a parameter of type OntologySchema, while a method that accepts only external schemas can take a parameter of type ApiV2Schema. For examples, see Content Wrappers.

Generation of Ontologies in External Schemas

Ontologies are stored only in the internal schema, and are converted on the fly to external schemas. For each external schema, there is a Scala object in org.knora.webapi.messages.v2.responder.ontologymessages that provides rules for this conversion:

  • KnoraApiV2SimpleTransformationRules for the API v2 simple schema
  • KnoraApiV2WithValueObjectsTransformationRules for the API v2 complex schema

Since these are Scala objects rather than classes, they are initialised before the Akka ActorSystem starts, and therefore need a special instance of Knora's StringFormatter class (see Smart IRIs).

Each of these rule objects implements this trait:

  * A trait for objects that provide rules for converting an ontology from the internal schema to an external schema.
  * * See also [[OntologyConstants.CorrespondingIris]].
trait OntologyTransformationRules {
      * The metadata to be used for the transformed ontology.
    val ontologyMetadata: OntologyMetadataV2

      * Properties to remove from the ontology before converting it to the target schema.
      * See also [[OntologyConstants.CorrespondingIris]].
    val internalPropertiesToRemove: Set[SmartIri]

      * Classes to remove from the ontology before converting it to the target schema.
    val internalClassesToRemove: Set[SmartIri]

      * After the ontology has been converted to the target schema, these cardinalities must be
      * added to the specified classes.
    val externalCardinalitiesToAdd: Map[SmartIri, Map[SmartIri, KnoraCardinalityInfo]]

      * Classes that need to be added to the ontology after converting it to the target schema.
    val externalClassesToAdd: Map[SmartIri, ReadClassInfoV2]

      * Properties that need to be added to the ontology after converting it to the target schema.
      * See also [[OntologyConstants.CorrespondingIris]].
    val externalPropertiesToAdd: Map[SmartIri, ReadPropertyInfoV2]

These rules are applied to knora-base as well as to user-created ontologies. For example, knora-base:Resource has different cardinalities depending on its schema (knora-api:Resource has an additional cardinality on knora-api:hasIncomingLink), and this is therefore also true of its user-created subclasses. The transformation is implemented:

  • In the implementations of the toOntologySchema method in classes defined in OntologyMessagesV2.scala: ReadOntologyV2, ReadClassInfoV2, ClassInfoContentV2, PropertyInfoContentV2, and OntologyMetadataV2.
  • In OntologyResponderV2.getEntityInfoResponseV2, which handles requests for specific ontology entities. If the requested entity is hard-coded in a transformation rule, this method returns the hard-coded external entity, otherwise it returns the relevant internal entity.

Last update: 2023-05-03