XML to Standoff Mapping in API v2
General Information
Please see v1 documentation for general information about the XML to standoff mapping: XML To Standoff Mapping in API v1.
Validating a Mapping and sending it to Knora
A mapping can be validated before sending it to Knora with the following
XML Schema file: webapi/src/resources/mappingXMLToStandoff.xsd
. Any
mapping that does not conform to this XML Schema file will be rejected
by Knora.
The mapping has to be sent as a multipart request to the standoff route
using the path segment mapping
HTTP POST http://host/v2/mapping
The multipart request consists of two named parts:
"knora-api:mappingHasName": "My Mapping",
"knora-api:attachedToProject": "projectIRI",
"rdfs:label": "MappingNameSegment",
"@context": {
"rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
"knora-api": "http://api.knora.org/ontology/knora-api/v2#"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
A successful response returns the Iri of the mapping. However, the Iri
of a mapping is predictable: it consists of the project Iri followed by
and the knora-api:mappingHasName
submitted in the JSON-LD (if the name
already exists, the request will be rejected). Once created, a mapping
can be used to create TextValues in Knora. The formats are documented in
the v2 typescript interfaces AddMappingRequest
and AddMappingResponse
in module MappingFormats