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Developer Overview

Getting started with the DaSCH Service Platform (DSP)

Local Development Environment

At the DaSCH, the principal development environment is Apple macOS.

Each developer machine should have the following prerequisites installed:

Java AdoptOpenJDK 11

To install, follow these steps:

brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew cask install AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk/adoptopenjdk11

To pin the version of Java, you can add this environment variable to your startup script (bashrc, etc.):

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 11`

You can also use jEnv to use different versions of Java for different things.

Bazel build tools

To install, follow these steps:

npm install -g @bazel/bazelisk
npm install -g @bazel/buildozer

This will install bazelisk which is a wrapper to the bazel binary. It will, when the bazel command ir run, automatically install the supported Bazel version, defined in the .bazelversion file in the root of the knora-api repository.

Clone DSP-API from GitHub

To clone DSP-API from Github open a terminal window and change to the directory where you intend to install DSP-API. Then type

git clone

This will install the directory dsp-api with subdirectories in the chosen directory.

Bazel Commands

Build webapi:

# build webapi
bazel build //webapi/...

# run all webapi tests
bazel test //webapi/...

Build the docker image

From inside the cloned dsp-api repository folder, create a test repository:

make init-db-test

Then start the DSP stack:

make stack-up

This should start the complete Knora stack consisting of Fuseki, DSP-API, Redis, and Sipi. If everything worked properly, the Dashboard in Docker Desktop should show those containers running.

To stop everything again, type

make stack-down

Please see the Makefile for other useful make targets.

Build Structure

The Bazel build is defined in a number of files:

  • WORKSPACE - here are external dependencies defined
  • BUILD - there are a number of BUILD files throughout the directory structure where each represents a separate package responsible for everything underneath.
  • *.bzl - custom extensions loaded and used in BUILD files

For a more detailed discussion, please see the Concepts and Terminology section in the Bazel documentation.

Some Notes

  1. Override some .bazelrc settings in your own copy created at ~/.bazelrc:

    build --action_env=PATH="/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
    build --strategy=Scalac=worker
    build --worker_sandboxing
    query --package_path %workspace%:/usr/local/bin/bazel/base_workspace
    startup \
  2. Add Bazel Plugin and Project to IntelliJ

    1. The latest version of the Bazel plugin supports only IntelliJ upto version 2020.01.04. After you make sure to run this version of IntelliJ, install the plugin from inside IntelliJ.
    2. Click on File -> Import Bazel Project and select twice next.
    3. Uncomment the Scala language and click Finish.
  3. Run single spec:

    bazel test //webapi/src/test/scala/org/knora/webapi/e2e/v1:SearchV1R2RSpec
  4. Run single spec and only tests containing gaga in the description

    bazel test //webapi/src/test/scala/org/knora/webapi/e2e/v1:SearchV1R2RSpec --test_arg=-z --test_arg="gaga"
  5. Start Scala REPL

    bazel run //webapi:main_library_repl

Build stamping

By default, Bazel tries not to include anything about the system state in build outputs. However, released binaries and libraries often want to include something like the version they were built at or the branch or tag they came from.

To reconcile this, Bazel has an option called the workspace status command. This command is run outside of any sandboxes on the local machine, so it can access anything about your source control, OS, or anything else you might want to include. It then dumps its output into bazel-out/volatile-status.txt, which you can use (and certain language rulesets provide support for accessing from code).

Our workspace status command is defined in //tools/buildstamp/get_workspace_status. To use it on every bazel command, we need to supply it to each Bazel invocation, which is done by the following line found in .bazelrc:

build --workspace_status_command=tools/buildstamp/get_workspace_status --stamp=yes

Any line added to .bazelrc is invoked on each corresponding command.

The //tools/buildstamp/get_workspace_status emits additional values to bazel-out/volatile-status.txt whereas BUILD_TIMESTAMP is emitted by Bazel itself:

BUILD_SCM_REVISION 2d6df6c8fe2d56e3712eb26763f9727916a60164
BUILD_SCM_TAG v13.0.0-rc.21-17-g2d6df6c-dirty

The value of BUILD_SCM_TAG is used in //webapi/src/main/scala/org/knora/webapi/http/version/versioninfo, which emits a JAR containing VersionInfo.scala. This file is generated based on VersionInfoTemplate.scala found in the same Bazel package.

In short, the versioninfo target producing the JAR library depends on the version_info_with_build_tag target which emits the VersionInfo.scala file which has the {BUILD_TAG} variable replaced by the current value of BUILD_SCM_TAG. In an intermediary step, the version_info_without_build_tag target, replaces variables coming from //third_party:versions.bzl.

Visualize your Build

Add the following line to your ~/.bazelrc:

query --package_path %workspace%:[PATH TO BAZEL]/base_workspace # set the path to the bazel binary

Run bazel query inside your project directory, asking it to search for all dependencies of //:main (or however the label is to your target of interest):

bazel query 'deps(//:main)' --output graph >

This creates a file called, which is a text representation of the build graph. You can use dot (install with brew install graphviz) to create a png:

dot -Tpng < > graph.png

Last update: 2021-06-10