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User Guide

This is the documentation for the generic DSP Web Application of the Data and Service Center for the Humanities DaSCH. You can reach the app on

Getting started

DSP-APP is an intuitive, easy to use web-based application placed on top of DSP-API to directly use its powerful data management functionalities. With this modern web application, the researchers can create their data models, search, browse, and work with their qualitative data as easily as they could with a desktop data management tool. In addition, data models and data will automatically follow accepted standards, be interoperable, findable, and re-usable. Researchers and scholars with small to medium data sets (e.g. PhD research, pilot project, or proof of concept) have access to long-term accessibility to keep their research data alive, guaranteeing longevity of the data.


Get access to the login form.

To login, click on the LOGIN button of the header (right side), a login form will appear. Fill in the form with your credentials (user name or email and password).

In case of a forgotten password, please contact the DaSCH team.


You can use the DSP-APP with restricted access as guest. Otherwise, you'll need a login. At the moment, you have to contact the DaSCH team to get your login credentials.


For any questions or help wanted, you can go to the help page, accessible from the Help button at the top right of the page (see login screen shot). Here, you can find links to the user guide, get more information about the DaSCH softwares, and get more support through different platform according to your requests.

Last update: 2023-02-22