5.3.0 (2023-11-29)
Bug Fixes
- process-files: fix resource leak, try omitting restart of python (DEV-2986) (#651) (7347be7)
- upload-files: use a new ThreadPoolExecutor for every batch (DEV-2973) (#650) (431a755)
- add sourcery workflow to CI checks (#646) (8b445f2)
- apply sourcery suggestions (#644) (96110a0)
- bump start-stack to 2023.11.02 (#657) (c399dee)
- excel2json: modularise functions (DEV-3025) (#655) (5486b15)
- more sourcery refactorings (#647) (300bfa0)
- refactor import-scripts (#649) (9272898)
- remove unnecessary pylint ignore comments (#645) (d314121)
- replace os.path and os.scandir with pathlib.Path (#648) (e325237)
- use iri util consistently (DEV-2951) (#642) (911cfa5)
5.2.0 (2023-11-15)
- xmlupload: add check if links point to valid resource ID (DEV-2902) (#639) (803c9f6)
- xmlupload: id2iri mapping contains servername (DEV-1889) (#628) (19a3f29)
Bug Fixes
- retain value permissions if a link gets stashed because of circular dependencies (DEV-1489) (#623) (3ccb75b)
- upload-files: handle JSONDecodeError (DEV-2907) (#621) (40000a8)
- upload-files: prevent crash (DEV-2918) (#626) (19d179e)
- xmlupload: fix non-initialized variable (DEV-2922) (#629) (afb16b1)
- xmlupload: print reason of failure if resource cannot be created (DEV-2925) (#637) (e3a194a)
- add clean script to remove unnecessary files (#631) (7f98045)
- add more logs and timestamps (#627) (21ed1d8)
- bump start-stack (apply DSP-APP fix) (#641) (f901399)
- bump start-stack to 2023.11.01 (#633) (81daf2a)
- excel2xml: suppress irrelevant warnings, turn non-fatal errors into warnings (DEV-2917) (#625) (b6943a2)
- remove unused code (DEV-2950) (#638) (fbbafec)
- reorganize excel2xml (#635) (6773513)
- reorganize excel2xml unit tests (#636) (d015f9f)
- replace resource instance factory (DEV-2876) (#594) (906a211)
- restructure repository (#632) (8a05b2c)
- restructure stash-related files (#640) (a49fa59)
- upload-files: thread-safe logging of bullet point lists (#619) (37040a6)
5.1.0 (2023-11-01)
Bug Fixes
- don't create logging handler multiple times (DEV-2891) (#609) (e6aa47c)
- ignore IRIs in stashing algorithm (DEV-2885) (#603) (635bc5c)
- IRI regex used in multiple places is incorrect (DEV-2888) (#606) (096f47e)
- prevent endless waiting for response, without creating resources multiple times (DEV-2860) (#586) (caa16b7)
- add a client for project related API requests (DEV-2890) (#610) (e100b26)
- add logging to stashing algorithm (DEV-2881) (#608) (736f02b)
- add specific model for bitstream information (DEV-2893) (#613) (8d0d61d)
- bump start-stack to 2023.10.03 (#616) (213c301)
- deps: bump the all-dependencies group with 8 updates (#617) (1a2fdd6)
- fix analyse_circles_in_data() (remove namespaces) (#598) (72f710c)
- fix logging statements (#611) (1f95f8d)
- further refactoring of graph analysing (#590) (d0779ac)
- improve logging for upload-files (#614) (f99e755)
- log dsp-tools version (#612) (ab9ffef)
- refactor graph analysing (#589) (14a6e83)
- split up into smaller functions (#601) (33c9fce)
- test_construct_and_analyze_graph: remove namespace, add semantic line breaks (#602) (b693a94)
- tidy up graph analyzing (#595) (f2d4488)
- tidy up KnoraStandoffXml class (#597) (c430b67)
5.0.3 (2023-10-20)
Bug Fixes
- bump dependencies (#578) (6d9f082)
- bump start-stack to 2023.10.02 (#584) (37ca185)
- bump start-stack to 2023.10.02 (DEV-2823) (#571) (863c631)
- CI: split up test action into several jobs (#553) (cfb5042)
- clarify isort and pre-commit in readme (DEV-2781) (#549) (e58fec1)
- create composite setup action and allow more PR titles (#550) (2084999)
- create JSON-LD context without API request (DEV-2845) (#581) (dcc655d)
- create specific objects for stash information (DEV-2787) (#557) (b38c2d3)
- deps: bump urllib3 from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 (#575) (a41b174)
- identify temporary text values with UUID instead of text hash (DEV-2790) (#558) (08624b2)
- integrate DSP-INGEST in start-stack (#566) (e8fb38b)
- introduce abstraction layer for connection (DEV-2820) (#570) (87c1e18)
- modularize xmlupload (DEV-2813) (#568) (8026fcb)
- modularize xmlupload method (DEV-2836) (#574) (b9588c3)
- remove leftovers of old --metrics flag (#583) (3234318)
- remove use of XMLResource in stash models (DEV-2843) (#577) (05dc486)
- start-stack: downgrade DSP-APP (#576) (8c109e4)
- use sets instead of lists for stashing circular references (DEV-2771) (#548) (68605bd)
- xmlupload: optimize stash links (DEV-2847) (#573) (1d20fad)
- xmlupload: split up get resources and permissions function (DEV-2796) (#560) (02eff6b)
5.0.2 (2023-10-05)
Bug Fixes
- fast-xmlupload: CLI-command in documentation has outdated information (DEV-2779) (#545) (334ea49)
- ModuleNotFoundError when importing logging due to identical file name (DEV-2708) (#530) (d2c6ec8)
- xmlupload: fix performance slowdown during stash applying (DEV-2717) (#533) (add40b2)
- add isort check in pre-commit and GitHub CI (DEV-2707) (#529) (89ef086)
- add logging statements to "create" command (DEV-2776) (#544) (73183c4)
- bump start-stack to 2023.10.01 (DEV-2748) (#546) (3240d5d)
- deps: bump dependencies (#535) (bf93bc8)
- deps: bump dependencies (#537) (cbcd2f3)
- harmonize timestamps between terminal output and log file (DEV-2716) (#534) (9160eea)
- remove unnecessary PR template (DEV-2691) (#525) (e2c41ec)
- use faster black in pre-commit hook (DEV-2736) (#536) (ad00e4b)
- xmlupload: _upload_stashed_xml_texts (DEV-2710) (#532) (9d2dd35)
- xmlupload: create new directory and move scripts (DEV-2715) (#538) (6bad8d0)
- xmlupload: file (DEV-2774) (#542) (422bbb3)
- xmlupload: file (DEV-2775) (#543) (16fefae)
- xmlupload: modularise individual functions in file (DEV-2767) (#541) (dc5c5a7)
5.0.1 (2023-09-20)
Bug Fixes
- excel2json: correct row number in error message (DEV-2650) (#513) (03a59ee)
- excel2json: don't crash if optional columns are deleted in "properties" Excel file (DEV-2652) (#518) (09c3940)
- id2iri mapping is written with a question mark after the file extension (DEV-2670) #522 (3fc1bb9)
- no-op test that doesn't test anything (DEV-2655) (#517) (76f1db2)
- upload-files: close file handle before handling error (DEV-2666) #519 (439a139)
- bump start-stack to 2023.09.02 (DEV-2690) (#524) (6f5b935)
- documenation cleaning (DEV-2602) (#503) (52485c0)
- excel2json: replace BaseError with UserError (DEV-2671) (#523) (eaf8dd6)
- excel2json: replace excel reader in excel2resources (DEV-2668) (#520) (f2f0d4e)
- fix gui_attributes notation (DEV-2651) (#514) (8c97cc3)
- improve PR title checking regex (DEV-2635) (#509) (c25f3b7)
- pandas deprecated .applymap (DEV-2617) (#510) (925b13d)
- pandas deprecates inplace parameter (DEV-2618) (#511) (8d6d3f7)
- small corrections (DEV-2653) #515 (99db5f1)
- xmlupload: split up _check_consistency_with_ontology() into smaller functions (DEV-2669) (#521) (79a50cf)
5.0.0 (2023-09-06)
- xmlupload: allow both IDs and IRIs, remove --incremental flag (DEV-1339) (#494)
- refactor id2iri: remove --outfile and --verbose flags (DEV-2576) (#488)
- add --dump flag to "xmlupload" and "get" commands (DEV-2534) (#502) (d9aeba9)
- get project without credentials (DEV-841) (#504) (b5ea3e9)
- id2iri: add flag to remove created resources from XML (DEV-2571) (#491) (bf25cb7)
- id2iri: replace IDs also inside salsah-links, not only inside <resptr> tags (DEV-2578) (#490) (047ba15)
- xmlupload: allow both IDs and IRIs, remove --incremental flag (DEV-1339) (#494) (df1cf13)
Bug Fixes
- process-files: default value of batchsize is too big (DEV-2573) #486 (b1775a9)
- process-files: remove docker container before starting / add user feedback (DEV-2601) (#505) (8e1b77c)
- process-files: the derivatives are created only at the end (DEV-2625) (#507) (1934403)
- xmlupload: provide a helpful error message if default-ontology in XML file doesn't exist (DEV-2577) #489 (7b20ad8)
- xmlupload: sanitize textvalues: remove whitespaces and newlines (DEV-2569) (#484) (d6c8110)
- bump start-stack to 2023.09.01 (DEV-2630) (#508) (d28f2d8)
- deps: bump the all-dependencies group with 3 updates (#501) (f4f6ff8)
- excel2json (DEV-2547) (#487) (504a4ec)
- improve release-please YAML file (DEV-2599) #492 (82b3b82)
- mute warnings in tests / update gitignore (DEV-2609) #498 (03e19d7)
- refactor id2iri: remove --outfile and --verbose flags (DEV-2576) (#488) (f814667)
- refactor models/ (DEV-2534) (#495) (a9caf98)
- refactor process-files (DEV-2623) (#506) (7595846)
- rename excel_to_json to excel2json (DEV-2604) #496 (5a31d5d)
- run unit tests earlier in GitHub CI (DEV-2600) #493 (00d5ed6)
- some small bug fixes and improvements (DEV-2564) (#483) (ecd09e9)
- use typing.TypeGuard for check_notna() (DEV-2608) #497 (2c4e2f8)
4.0.0 (2023-08-22)
- harmonize CLI flags, rename CLI entry point and add tests for the CLI (DEV-2525) (#463)
Bug Fixes
- fix bandit workflow configuration (DEV-2536) #470 (4fd6a10)
- Make gui_attributes Mandatory for Spinbox in JSON Schema (DEV-2556) (#478) (671d846)
- process-files: in case of Docker API error, don't processes files a second time (DEV-2533) #468 (bace9aa)
- upload-files: handle server error, document how to circumvent resource leak (DEV-2528, DEV-2527) (#464) (7aa7106)
- bump start-stack to 2023.08.02 (DEV-2561) #482 (84fb0a9)
- configure bandit security checks (DEV-2532) (#466) (28a4907)
- deps: bump dependencies #467 (a488161)
- deps: bump dependencies #473 (57aa687)
- diverse refactorings (DEV-2559) (#480) (e29299b)
- explain in readme that imagemagick and ffmpeg must be installed for local testing (DEV-2558) #479 (a000ab3)
- fix bandit: always exit with 0 (DEV-2536) #476 (c5351b4)
- harmonize CLI flags, rename CLI entry point and add tests for the CLI (DEV-2525) (#463) (c1218d6)
- lint XML models (DEV-2560) (#481) (f2e4c88)
- move to Python 3.11 (DEV-2524) #461 (74a93e5)
- refactor models.bitstream (DEV-2538) #472 (6e2deff)
- replace re by regex (DEV-2531) (#465) (8ac8c99)
- use darglint to check if the docstrings match the actual implementation (DEV-2530) (#453) (8183235)
3.0.0 (2023-08-08)
- create: in property definitions of JSON files, accept references to list labels (DEV-2247) (#460) (1529330)
Bug Fixes
- replace gui_element Slider by Spinbox, remove gui_element SimpleText for intervals, et al. (DEV-2501) (#452) (5e668f0)
- bump start-stack to 2023.08.01 (DEV-2514) #458 (65f2719)
- create: apply law of Demeter (DEV-2515) (#459) (46cdf19)
- deps-dev: bump the all-dependencies group with 2 updates (#454) (57527cd)
- deps: bump dependencies #456 (15096e7)
- handle timeout errors in API requests (DEV-2513) (#457) (4cdaf2a)
2.5.0 (2023-07-28)
Bug Fixes
- process-files: quit Python interpreter after every batch to prevent "too many open files" error (DEV-2268) (#402) (1cbf927)
- start-stack: fix outdated TTL paths, open config file correctly (DEV-2497) (#447) (98e0579)
- bump start-stack to 2023.07.02 (DEV-2499) #450 (61af5da)
- deps: bump dependencies (#449) (8fd23d4)
- increase timeout from 5 to 10 seconds (DEV-2450) #438 (4f82d2e)
- run dependabot monthly, and group updates into 1 single PR (DEV-2498) #448 (e03d633)
- xmlupload: forbid empty strings in some tags of the XML, et al. (DEV-2439) (#433) (679654d)
2.4.0 (2023-07-11)
Bug Fixes
- create: if the name of the ontology is used in a propertyname, it gets removed (DEV-2406) #429 (e6292f0)
- xmlupload: make sure resources aren't created multiple times after timeout error (DEV-2412) #432 (b109e3c)
- start-stack: add flag to start stack from main branch of DSP-API repository (DEV-2396) (#424) (6ff2c48)
- bump start-stack to 2023.07.01 (DEV-2428) (#430) (8e11b95)
- deps-dev: bump black from 23.3.0 to 23.7.0 (#431) (1aeb778)
- deps-dev: bump mkdocs-material from 9.1.17 to 9.1.18 (#426) (7a54181)
- deps: bump jsonschema from 4.17.3 to 4.18.0 (#428) (4b1a9ff)
- deps: bump lxml from 4.9.2 to 4.9.3 (#427) (1e933b3)
- deps: bump pandas from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (#422) (70b38b0)
- refactor start-stack (DEV-2397) (#423) (679a267)
- refine/resolve ignore comments, resolve pylint issues (DEV-2398) (#425) (906c8a3)
- set up pre-commit hooks (DEV-2393) (#420) (9578181)
2.3.4 (2023-06-27)
Bug Fixes
- bump start-stack to 2023.06.02 (DEV-2312) #418 (88a4bf3)
- deps-dev: bump mkdocs-material from 9.1.16 to 9.1.17 (#414) (313b923)
- deps-dev: bump mypy from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 (#413) (919fd8e)
- deps-dev: bump mypy from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 (#415) (2867a00)
- deps-dev: bump pytest from 7.3.2 to 7.4.0 (#416) (8d6b587)
- deps-dev: bump types-openpyxl from to (#417) (7b53622)
- lint "models", part two (DEV-2287) (#406) (466597c)
- onto create (DEV-2298) #412 (d8abe48)
- remove dependency inconsistency in pyproject.toml (DEV-2290) #410 (9da9ccf)
- remove unused code (DEV-2289) (#409) (809f4fe)
- xmlupload: improve error handling of Timeout Error (DEV-2299) (#411) (b9cf8eb)
2.3.3 (2023-06-13)
Bug Fixes
- add overview of code quality tools; format code with black (DEV-2224) (#391) (d7fb690)
- allow latest version of poetry again (DEV-2245) #398 (3d646ad)
- bump start-stack to 2023.06.01 (DEV-2272) #401 (d684c18)
- deps-dev: bump pytest from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2 (#403) (6dbcf6c)
- deps-dev: bump types-openpyxl from to (#405) (12a97d6)
- deps-dev: bump types-regex from 2023.5.5.0 to 2023.6.3.0 (#397) (067e265)
- deps: bump docker from 6.1.2 to 6.1.3 (#393) (2a79fe6)
- deps: bump regex from 2023.5.5 to 2023.6.3 (#396) (6ee38c9)
- lint "models", part one (DEV-2265) (#400) (27a32b1)
- loosen python requirement, add py.typed marker (DEV-2278) (#404) (17b22b3)
- reformat code (DEV-2263) (#399) (35af8c4)
2.3.2 (2023-05-31)
- bump start-stack to 2023.05.03 (DEV-2222) #392 (80bdecb)
- deps-dev: bump mkdocs-material from 9.1.14 to 9.1.15 (#390) (18287c3)
- deps-dev: bump types-requests from to (#382) (74738fa)
- deps-dev: bump types-requests from to (#389) (1829fd5)
- deps: bump pandas from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 (#388) (e23bb10)
- don't configure logging statically (DEV-2183) (#385) (7c82a59)
- move _derandomize_xsd_id (DEV-2186) #381 (e909384)
- refactor CLI part of excel2xml (DEV-2190) (#384) (cd9cbb7)
- remove autopep8 from dependencies (DEV-2213) #387 (993854b)
- speed up CI tests with caching (DEV-2165) (#369) (9283aa1)
2.3.1 (2023-05-23)
Bug Fixes
- process-files: allow files with whitespaces in filename, allow files with uppercase extension (DEV-2182) (#379) (7f63743)
- code formatting (DEV-2171) (#376) (96a4056)
- deps-dev: bump mkdocs-material from 9.1.11 to 9.1.14 (#377) (8095f6f)
- deps-dev: bump types-openpyxl from to (#374) (c536ebc)
- deps: bump requests from 2.30.0 to 2.31.0 (#378) (b932e03)
- enable automatic version updating by Dependabot (DEV-2170) #373 (bd1cfd2)
- lint e2e tests (DEV-2160) (#366) (e75eb27)
2.3.0 (2023-05-17)
Bug Fixes
- render nested lists correctly, adapt markdownlint rules, apply new rules everywhere (DEV-2134) (#358) (e899d5c)
- bump dependencies, add docker, update readme, remove unused poetry exec script (DEV-2159) (#365) (69d65e7)
- bump start-stack to 2023.05.01 (DEV-2164) #368 (646586b)
- deps: bump pymdown-extensions from 9.11 to 10.0 (#370) (1764e81)
- excel2xml: minor improvements (DEV-2152) #360 (1d24848)
- log every CLI call to dsp-tools (DEV-2156) #362 (a93cb86)
- make all test files executable with pytest (DEV-2157) (1e4d427)
- prevent access to unset attribute of BaseError (DEV-2158) #364 (b0e089d)
- resolve CodeQL issues (DEV-2169) #371 (6822344)
- update mypy, resolve all mypy+pylint issues in "unittests", unignore "unittests" in CI pipline (DEV-2131) (#357) (b75e2c7)
- XML validation: resource's iri and ark must be unique, resource's label must not be empty (DEV-2154) (#361) (62ec04b)
2.2.2 (2023-05-03)
Bug Fixes
- xmlupload: print reason of error if a resource cannot be created, remodel BaseError (DEV-1977) (#349) (7f60b1a)
- bump start-stack to 2023.04.03 (DEV-2117) (#355) (1abb081)
- resolve linting errors, make linting checks in CI more strict (DEV-2080) (#354) (e3daff3)
2.2.1 (2023-04-18)
- bump dependencies (DEV-1960) #350 (5b999f5)
- bump start-stack to 2023.04.02 (DEV-1933) (#351) (163ac19)
- get: allow shortname to be uppercase (DEV-1972) #346 (e0ce7d4)
- inside a JSON or Excel file, resource & property names must be unique (DEV-1971) (#345) (c6df889)
- refactor try_network_action() (DEV-1844) (#325) (896586f)
2.2.0 (2023-03-21)
Bug Fixes
- allow Pulldown, Radio, and List as gui_elements for lists (DEV-1810) (#330) (5ff1aac)
- correct broken schema references in test data files (DEV-1832) #323 (512de36)
- create, get: handle comment to ontology (DEV-1852) #326 (5af3f19)
- create: allow identical onto names if they belong to different projects (DEV-1777) (#314) (7139f67)
- create: prevent infinite loop when super-resource is not existing (DEV-1886) (#338) (b176b7c)
- xmlupload: legitimate html-escapes in utf8-texts don't raise a validation error any more (DEV-1936) (#341) (cf90269)
- xmlupload: write metrics only when requested to do so (DEV-1883) #334 (5c1196f)
- check out rosetta and upload it on local stack (DEV-1842) (#332) (d067cc1)
- create: create a resource class without cardinalities (DEV-1853) #327 (2d1cee0)
- new command to generate template repo, move schema files (DEV-1839) (#333) (9ea3a4f)
- replace outdated screenshot, use local copy of CSS of dsp-docs (DEV-1896) (#337) (c22c5e4)
- use single quotes around passwords to prevent problems with special characters (DEV-1825) #320 (ca2bf1a)
- adapt shortcode of import scripts (DEV-1925) (#340) (f440bda)
- bump start-stack to 2023.03.02 (DEV-1819) (#317) (54a4514)
- excel2json: improve error messages of excel2json (DEV-1789) (#315) (36a1209)
- implement logging system (DEV-132) (#335) (c92e943)
- merge dublette class into one class (DEV-1831) #322 (e5cddf5)
- minor improvements (DEV-1912) #336 (91664a9)
- new error handling strategy (DEV-1770) (#324) (f2aa4b0)
- remove pystrict dependency (DEV-1843) #329 (2111d21)
- save location for log files (DEV-1856) (#328) (30f914d)
- tidy up testdata folder (DEV-1822) (#319) (b5fe9fd)
- xmlupload: improve user feedback when shortcode or onto are inexistent (DEV-1827) (#321) (f21a64e)
2.1.1 (2023-03-08)
Bug Fixes
- excel2json: add missing comments in the resources template (DEV-1765) #303 (b2532e4)
- excel2xml: make_xsd_id_compatible() does now replace all special characters (DEV-1792) (#313) (b87f903)
- excel2xml: proper handling of special characters in text properties, depending on the encoding (DEV-1719) (#296) (c8f1e7a)
- get: prevent invalid gui_element "Pulldown" (DEV-1781) #312 (c5d355e)
- invalid argument names in CLI entrypoint (DEV-1776) #310 (6e1a6fb)
- allow input of xmlupload to be parsed (DEV-1780) (#311) (abc167f)
- beautify stack traces (DEV-1766) #305 (17b6f2f)
- bump start-stack to 2023.03.01 (DEV-1802) (#316) (3d3f476)
- harmonize CLI help texts with the CLI commands documentation (DEV-1767) (#306) (f9e4dca)
- new error handling strategy (DEV-1773) (#307) (4c02e18)
- refactor list creation (DEV-1775) (#309) (78a8488)
- refactor onto creation (DEV-1774) (#308) (f5a16e4)
2.1.0 (2023-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- create: improve validation to prevent endless loop if properties are undefined (DEV-1720) (#297) (ee3e446)
- create: property from other ontology not found (DEV-1381) #299 (d1345ec)
- excel2json: add support for gui_order, make templates better understandable (DEV-1711) (#293) (3b5304f)
- bump start-stack to 2023.02.02 (DEV-1732) #302 (b97a696)
- enhanced xmlupload: add test onto (DEV-1760) #300 (ca32842)
- excel2xml: allow PathLike for bitstream-prop (DEV-1729) #298 (ab9386f)
- remove temporary workaround in GET groups (DEV-1733) #301 (7ead9de)
2.0.3 (2023-02-07)
- access data files correctly (DEV-1618) (#288) (7a64a27)
- bump start-stack to 2023.02.01 (DEV-1709) (#292) (5fd58d2)
- bump versions of start-stack to 2023.01.02 (DEV-1652) (#290) (2889a20)
- update links according to new structure of docs (DEV-1648) (#289) (16d9c12)
2.0.2 (2023-01-17)
Bug Fixes
2.0.1 (2023-01-17)
- bump versions of start-stack, use dynamic project IRI in get command (DEV-1613) (#282) (2ecf4f5)
- refactor project creation (DEV-1165) (#280) (5e662a6)
- use start-stack command for e2e tests, replace Makefile by poetry-exec-plugin (DEV-1597) (#279) (6b85d15)
2.0.0 (2023-01-09)
- switch to src layout, use poetry, add developer docs (DEV-1523) (#276)
- adapt schema URLs, adapt title of release-please PR (DEV-1596) (#278) (67f6475)
- switch to src layout, use poetry, add developer docs (DEV-1523) (#276) (6ae3b4f)
1.22.2 (2022-12-21)
Bug Fixes
1.22.1 (2022-12-20)
Bug Fixes
1.22.0 (2022-12-19)
Bug Fixes
- excel2xml: better standard permissions (permissions definitions at top of XML file) (DEV-1560) (#268) (b0d30be)
- xmlupload: improve URL recognition (DEV-1557) (#266) (60f8fe5)
- xmlupload: prevent crash + improve error message when cardinalities are wrong (DEV-1559) #267 (7bfd82f)
- excel2json: use rosetta as example data (DEV-1478) (#254) (af192cb)
- readme: explain handling of git submodules (DEV-1502) (#256) (1dc8483)
- text values: describe which combinations of gui_element and encoding are desirable (DEV-1521) (#259) (21967c6)
- bump versions of GitHub actions (DEV-1532) #263 (efc9f51)
- fix regex for PR title (DEV-1504) (#257) (d4feb68)
- start-api: adjust version numbers of DSP-API and DSP-APP according to 2022.11.01 (DEV-1579) #271 (10dcd2f)
- xmlupload: add metrics flag (DEV-1512) (#264) (f4822dc)
- xmlupload: handling of upload errors (DEV-1505) (#250) (1507b21)
1.21.0 (2022-11-11)
Bug Fixes
- bugs in json schema (DEV-1142) (#252) (92af830)
- excel2xml: prevent writing empty text-prop, make text-prop validation less restrictive (DEV-1440) #243 (ae777e4)
- add command excel2json to create JSON project file from folder with Excel files (DEV-960) (#248) (e8e05e4)
- startup API and APP with dsp-tools (DEV-126) (#246) (de182dc)
1.20.0 (2022-10-18)
- xmlupload: improve error message when syntax for referencing ontos is wrong (DEV-1399) (#237) (df0bf33)
- user needs to be project member to become project admin (DEV-1383) (#241) (1a13c02)
- xmlupload: improve examples, add documentation of geometry-prop JSON format (#240) (7df1d86)
1.19.0 (2022-10-07)
Bug Fixes
- address feedback to
: remove paramvalues
in allmake_*_prop()
methods, and fix some bugs (DEV-1361) (#232) (a7e9d85) - change input format of
command: use 1 Excel file for all same-language lists, rename command toexcel2lists
(DEV-955) (#228) (21cc6bc)
- improve docs and example data for excel2xml: create repo 0123-import-scripts (DEV-1370) (#233) (9c6827e)
- bump versions (DEV-1117) #235 (fc9c03c)
- fix release-please (DEV-1396) #234 (3bd92d8)
- reduce GitHub workflow frequency (DEV-1344) #227 (a0722d8)
- tests: enforce JKD 17 (DEV-1366) (#231) (1036acd)
- tidy up excel2lists, excel2resources, excel2properties (DEV-1352) (#229) (d2c2e08)
1.18.0 (2022-09-09)
1.17.1 (2022-08-22)
Bug Fixes
- bugs in xmlupload and (DEV-1140) #217 (5e402e4)
- PyPI deployment (DEV-1270) (#220) (dafaa7e)
1.17.0 (2022-08-16)
Bug Fixes
- add links from usage subpage to other subpages (DEV-812) (#208) (92ac678)
- fix outdated links (DEV-1194) #215 (6849737)
- sort entries alphabetically (DEV-1184) (#212) (75c6ae5)
1.16.0 (2022-07-18)
1.15.1 (2022-06-23)
Bug Fixes
- excel2resources, excel2properties: cover all cases (DEV-1040) (#201) (4c6ed19)
- xmlupload crashes without writing id2iri mapping (DEV-813) (#194) (7948e75)
- unpin dependency versions (DEV-983) (#200) (5c56601)
- xmlupload: refactor xmlupload, add unittest (DEV-1043) (#203) (fcf8384)
1.15.0 (2022-06-02)
Bug Fixes
- onto validation: correctly identify circular dependencies (DEV-769) (#192) (ed35902)
- testdata: remove salsah-links from id2iri/test-id2iri-data.xml (DEV-975) (#199) (7548501)
- xmlupload: prevent crash with incremental option (DEV-811) (#197) (cccb5e8)
1.14.0 (2022-05-03)
- json-schema: change JSON schema version to draft-07 (DEV-848) (#188) (8ca6f87)
- update lists.json (DEV-851) (#190) (e0254be)
- update schema-files (DEV-449) (#187) (9a5a50b)
1.13.0 (2022-04-25)
Bug Fixes
- get: handle slash at end of server, improve docs (DEV-734) (17c0a40)
- groups: dsp-tools should not allow group creation if group name already in use (DEV-798) (#183) (8f168ca)
- add support for external ontologies (dev-512) (#170) (ff36bc1)
- get: get more infos from user (DEV-641) (#181) (407f5c5)
- bump dependencies (DEV-815) (#184) (5d2d109)
- change to pipenv (DEV-764) (#177) (6c44688)
- improve XML and JSON Schemas (DEV-449) (#180) (2c17b9d)
1.12.2 (2022-03-31)
Bug Fixes
- add missing dependency (DEV-763) (1cda29e)
1.12.1 (2022-03-31)
1.12.0 (2022-03-25)
Bug Fixes
- onto creation: allow that resources and properties are not sorted by inheritance (DEV-626) (#167) (2ebece3)
- xmlupload: allow circular references (DEV-577) (#165) (75a444f)
1.11.0 (2022-02-28)
1.10.1 (2022-02-23)
- add explanation how an Excel file for list creation must be structured (DEV-533) (#159) (660d57b)
- explain the interval-prop more precisely (#162) (00c18dc)
1.10.0 (2022-02-21)
- excel to json list (DEV-431) (#155) (8a8c9d0)
- xml-upload: print XML validation errors when xmlupload fails due to validation (DEV-387) (#149) (03554c2)
- improve json schema validation error output (DEV-456) (#153) (9f92b66)
- make comments optional for new properties and resources (DEV-502) (#158) (9c30746)
- ontology: add Representation (DEV-551) (#160) (cba7be0)
1.9.0 (2022-01-27)
- add isPartOf and seqnum properties to documentation (DEV-216) (#145) (09d42a4)
- dsp-tools-excel: mention the GUI order and other small improvements (DEV-99) (#148) (853068d)
1.8.1 (2022-01-11)
Bug Fixes
1.8.0 (2022-01-10)
Bug Fixes
- ontology: add default values for missing comments (DEV-337) (#141) (6f0094e)
- print only unresolvable resptrs (#139) (cbe1876)
- restrict the creation of classes without cardinalities (DEV-305) (#136) (5604a5b)
- excel-to-json: allow comments in class and property definitions (#111) (807959f)
- get: extend get command to get more information (DEV-139) (#137) (9ce6722)
1.7.1 (2021-12-14)
Bug Fixes
1.7.0 (2021-12-07)
Bug Fixes
- boolean-values: allow 0 and 1 as boolean values (DEV-251) (#131) (fd58ad4)
- create-ontology: within an ontology, references to the ontology itself are not possible (DEV-135) (#130) (6a40fc6)
- permissions: use permissions in xml upload (DEV-178) (#127) (4dad0ce)
1.6.1 (2021-11-25)
Bug Fixes
- inconsistencies in groups and projects (DEV-261) (#121) (f9a95ed)
- schema: list root node needs a comments object (DEV-61) (#122) (7bdc589)
1.6.0 (2021-11-22)
Bug Fixes
- comments: fix comments in ontology creation (DEV-250) (#119) (08effdf)
- update dsp-tools to work with API version 16.0.0 (#117) (af70e9b)
1.5.2 (2021-11-16)
- documentation: add missing documentation for excel2resources (DEV-144) (cde0db5)
1.5.1 (2021-10-13)
Bug Fixes
1.5.0 (2021-09-24)
1.4.2 (2021-09-21)
Bug Fixes
1.4.1 (2021-09-20)
1.4.0 (2021-09-16)
- excel-to-properties: create properties from Excel (DSP-1577) (#89) (9f48e9a)
- excel-to-resources: create resources from excel (DSP-1576) (#88) (7b0302f)
1.3.3 (2021-09-07)
Bug Fixes
1.3.2 (2021-08-17)
Bug Fixes
- import: fix import error when starting script directly ( DSP-1869) (05b1eb1)
1.3.1 (2021-08-11)
Bug Fixes
1.3.0 (2021-08-10)
1.2.1 (2021-07-27)
Bug Fixes
1.2.0 (2021-07-26)
1.1.6 (2021-07-22)
1.1.5 (2021-07-14)
- dsp-tools-xmlupload: Add Warning section (#69) (05baf3d)
- dsp-tools-xmlupload: addition to incomplete paragraph ( DSP-1693) (#67) (318547f)
1.1.4 (2021-06-16)
1.1.3 (2021-06-08)
1.1.2 (2021-06-07)
1.1.1 (2021-04-20)
Bug Fixes
1.1.0 (2021-04-09)
Bug Fixes
- add create_ontology command line configuration (3ab7e6b)
- add folder independence (2460937)
- add missing dependencies (4d75128)
- add user (277121b)
- bulk-import of multiple resource link values (6ef8908), closes #9
- cleanup api logging ( DSP-1076) (#46) (d48e704)
- command line scripts (732a0fa)
- Correctly set user password (9db6445)
- Correctly set user password (3583ea2)
- Do not send logout request if token is not set (9cfd484)
- removed exception if keywords missing (81f7d97)
- requirements (b5941f1)
- typo (3def59d)
- add existing files into new structure (84dc1d2)
- add publishing setup (c18c6b9)
- add pypi badge (3fc148c)
- add runing tests on travis (2eeaeb8)
- add runing tests on travis (cf4f9e4)
- add runing tests on travis (b8f3bbc)
- add runing tests on travis (dc4fa02)
- add runing tests on travis (16844d8)
- add runing tests on travis (593ac85)
- add testing ( ongoing) (c175a16)
- allow release PRs in PR title check (#54) (0414948)
- automate release process ( DSP-1492) (#52) (6a96eee)
- bump version (49bc9d8)
- bump version (e7364c7)
- bump version to 1.1.0 ( DSP-1492) (#55) (3814ed2)
- configure dependencies and command line (7f79530)
Last update:
July 22, 2021