Code Quality Tools
There are a variety of tools that help to keep code quality high.
DSP-TOOLS uses the ones listed on this page.
The decision to use this set of tools is based on the information in the following pages.
Task | Tool | Configuration |
General formatting | EditorConfig | .editorconfig |
MarkdownLint | .markdownlint.yml |
Python formatting | Ruff | pyproject.toml |
Python docstring formatting | darglint | .darglint |
Python type checking | mypy | pyproject.toml |
Python linting | Ruff | pyproject.toml |
Security checks | Dependabot | .github/dependabot.yml |
CodeQL | GitHub settings | |
Gitleaks * | .gitleaks.toml |
Bandit | .github/workflows/bandit.yml |
(*) coming soon