DaSCH Service Platform Documentation
Welcome to DaSCH - Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities!
Our mission is to operate a platform for Humanities research data that ensures long-term availability of this data.
We operate the necessary infrastructure (a so called "keep-alive" archive) and support researchers in using this infrastructure. This is done with various open source software tools, all developed in-house.
Our software consists of 3 main components, which are documented here:
- DSP-APP: The web application that allows you to view and edit data in your browser
- DSP-API: The core of our software stack: the RDF database that offers an access via API
- DSP-TOOLS: A command line tool to upload data models and big data sets to a DSP server
Quick start for researchers
If you are a researcher, you're probably most interested in the usage of the generic web application.
In this case, have a look at our DSP-APP user guide.
Do you want to install and use DSP locally? Learn more about how to get started and how you can contribute to our software tools on the developers page.