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DSP-APP Documentation

This is the DSP-APP documentation, based on MkDocs and published under


If you would like to add your own contributions to the docs, please read the following information regarding the file structure to ensure you follow the same structure.

File structure

The documentation consists of three main topics with subordinate themes:

  1. index contains all information about the DSP-APP
  2. user-guide contains the DSP-APP user guide
    • Index = Introduction: All about login, registration and DSP APP information in general.
    • Project = All about project administration; part of DSP-ADMIN
    • User = All about user administration; part of DSP-ADMIN
    • System = All about system administration; part of DSP-ADMIN
    • Data = All about data management; part of VRE. In the current DSP-APP ADMIN version it's commented out
  3. contribution contains all information for people who wants to contribute to DSP-APP

Images like screenshots and so on have to be stored in assets/images.

The mkdocs.yml file is present in the top-level directory of the repo and the source files are in the docs/ folder.

Plugins have to be defined in requirements.txt and in the github actions workflow deploy-docs step under EXTRA_PACKAGES.

Getting Started

To run the documentation locally you'll need Python installed, as well as the Python package manager pip. You can check if you already have these installed by running the following commands from the command line:

$ python --version
Python 3.8.2
$ pip --version
pip 20.0.2 from /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip (python 3.8)

MkDocs supports Python versions 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and pypy3.

Installing dependencies

Install the required packages by running the following command:

make docs-install-requirements

Running the documentation locally

MkDocs comes with a built-in dev-server that lets you preview your documentation as you work on it. Make sure you're in the same directory as the mkdocs.yml (repository's root folder) configuration file, and then start the server by running the following command:

$ make docs-serve
INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
[I 160402 15:50:43 server:271] Serving on
[I 160402 15:50:43 handlers:58] Start watching changes
[I 160402 15:50:43 handlers:60] Start detecting changes

Open up in your browser, and you'll see the documentation start page being.

In case you need to clean the project directory, run:

make docs-clean

To get some help about the make commands, run:

make help

Building the documentation

To build the documentation, run:

make docs-build

Deploying GitHub page

On each release of DSP-APP, the documentation is generated by the dsp-docs GitHub repository. Behind the scenes, MkDocs builds the documentation and uses the mkdocs-deploy-gh-pages actions script to deploy them to the gh-pages. That's it!

Last update: 2023-02-22