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Filesystem Setup

The service expects the following filesystem structure:

  ├── {project_folder} 
  |    └──{asset_segment_1}
  |        └── {asset_segment_2}
  |              ├──
  |              ├── xxx.jpg.orig
  |              └── xxx.jp2
  ├── {project_folder} 
  …    └──{asset_segment_1}
           └── {asset_segment_2}
                 ├── xxx.jpg.orig
                 └── xxx.jp2               
  ├── export
  └── import

Here is a description of the folders:

  • {asset_directory}: the folder where the assets are stored
  • {project_folder}: each project has its own folder containing the assets belonging to that project, the name of the folder is the project's shortcode
  • {asset_segment_1}: the first 2 characters of the internal_filename of an asset
  • {asset_segment_2}: the next 2 characters of the internal_filename of an asset
  • {temp_directory}: the folder where temporary files are stored
  • {temp_directory}/export: the folder where exported files are temporarily stored
  • {temp_directory}/import: the folder where imported files are temporarily stored

Files are stored in the {asset_directory}/{project_folder}/{asset_segment_1}/{asset_segment_2} folder, {asset_directory}/0123/ab/cd/abcdefg.jp2 for example.

Each asset is stored in a file named {internal_filename} which consists of two parts {asset_id}.{ext}. The {asset_id} is a unique identifier for the asset and the {ext} is the file extension. Every derivative and metadata file of an asset are stored in files starting with {asset_id} and the respective {ext}.

For each asset there are different files in the {asset_segment_2} folder:

  • {internal_filename}: (mandatory) the asset, {asset_id}.jp2 for images, {asset_id}.mp4 for videos, etc.
  • {asset_id}.info: (mandatory) the metadata of the asset
  • {asset_id}.{ext}.orig: the original file of the asset if it was an image and has been converted to a JPEG 2000