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Certain routes are secured and require authentication. When accessing any secured route we support three options for authentication:

  • Preferred method: For each request an Access Token is sent in the HTTP authorization header with the HTTP bearer scheme.
  • Deprecated method: For each request an Access Token is provided as a cookie in the HTTP request.
  • Deprecated method: HTTP basic authentication, where the username is the user's email.

Access Token / Login and Logout

A client can obtain an access token by sending a POST request (e.g., {"identifier_type":"identifier_value", "password":"password_value"}) to the /v2/authentication route with identifier and password in the body. The identifier_type can be iri, email, or username. If the credentials are valid, a JSON WEB Token (JWT) will be sent back in the response (e.g., {"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJ..."}). Additionally, for web browser clients a session cookie containing the JWT token is also created, containing KnoraAuthentication=eyJ0eXAiOiJ....

To logout, the client sends a DELETE request to the same route /v2/authentication and the access token in one of the three described ways. This will invalidate the access token, thus not allowing further request that would supply the invalidated token.

Checking Credentials

To check the credentials, send a GET request to /v2/authentication with the credentials supplied as URL parameters or HTTP authentication headers as described before.

Usage Scenarios

  1. Create token by logging-in, send token on each subsequent request, and logout when finished.
  2. Send email/password credentials on every request.